Wellness News Updates

Millet: The old food revolution to our new life
Millet: The old food revolution to our new life

Millets are the traditional grains consumed by half of the population of Asia and Africa. There are about 6,000 varieties of millet throughout the world.

A2 or A1 milk
A 2 or A1 Milk: Which is better?

There is a regular debate nowadays as to which milk is better--A2 or A1? Here is what the experts say!

Sweating at night
Sweating at night might be an indicator of the following diseases

Night sweats are episodes of excessive sweating at night repetitively which soaks your clothes and bedding. Sweating at night is not a thing to worry about if you are in an overheated environment or sleep with excessive clothes on.

 Skin Cancer
How to Spot Skin Cancer: Symptoms, Treatment, and Precautions

Global increases in skin cancer are anticipated between the years 2020 and 2040 as claimed by the World Health Organization's (WHO) Global Cancer Observatory.

diabetes risk
Subtle signs in the morning that indicate diabetes risk

Diabetes causes very common morning signs in patients and it affects all aspects of the body causing many health issues.

black coffee
Here are the amazing health benefits of black coffee and the side effects

Scientific research has demonstrated that drinking black coffee can significantly enhance overall physical fitness. But an overdose of coffee is one of the most common and ridiculous things people do as they can have long-term consequences for their bodies.

Ayurvedic remedies for whiteheads
Three Ayurvedic remedies for whiteheads

Whiteheads are very common in the oily areas of your face, especially the nose, forehead, cheeks and chin.

  • Tuesday, 20 December 2022
morning walk
How to make the most of the winter sun: go barefoot on the grass

The sunlight is fantastic for enhancing cellular regeneration, blood circulation, oxygenation, and mental health and wellbeing. The intangible components of matter provide energy and prepare your bodies for optimal performance.

Do you sleep on your back, here is the research on optimal sleep positions

Having correct posture is crucial, but maintaining it isn't confined to sitting or standing. The back muscles and ligaments naturally relax while you sleep.

  • Thursday, 15 December 2022
Five meditation hacks for a peaceful mind

Meditation has been filling in prominence for quite a long time. Some people have faith in it, while others simply reject it outright. The majority of people associate meditation with the yogic position of crossing one's legs and resting one's hands on one's knees.

Beginner's training guide to strengthening muscles at any age

Your personal goals can be achieved by performing a wide range of exercises to work a variety of muscles.

Hot shower
Why taking a Hot water bath after eating is not good for health

Taking a hot shower immediately after eating diverts your blood flow from digestion to other parts of your body, which results in delaying digestion

Love life
What has love got to do with hydration

Even 24 hours seems less in this busy lifestyle! The never-ending everyday hassles make people take less or negligible care of themselves, letting hydration slip out of control. But lack of water consumption and inadequate intake of nutrients and water-rich foods can lead to dehydration and also upset your love life.

  • Monday, 21 November 2022
  • Google
High heels
Love Heels? Five tips to help you wear high heels more comfortably

High heels lead to high paths and, thereby, higher destinations. Here are 5 essential tips that will allow you to enjoy wearing heels with comfort.

Animal movement exercises
Try these 5 animal movement exercises to be fit like primates

Ever pondered the reason behind the very good health and fitness of our ancestors or primates when there was no gym and trainers? Well, the "animal movement exercises" were the secret of their energy.
