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LoP Naveen Patnaik
Perception Management Is Different From Crude Publicity

Perception management is a multifaceted concept that impacts interpersonal relationships, organisational dynamics and even societal behaviour. It is a tool that is used to influence beliefs, attitudes, and behaviour. One makes use of this in personal interactions through impression management.

Let’s Not Put Madhumita on Trial Posthumously!!
Let’s Not Put Madhumita on Trial Posthumously!!

The tragic suicide of journalist Madhumita Parida has sparked a deluge of insensitive commentary on social media, with self-appointed experts dissecting her actions. The article criticizes the heartlessness of these reactions and the voyeurism in mainstream media while highlighting genuine grief from friends and colleagues.

Lok Seva Bhawan
New Odisha Govt needs to demonstrate its commitment to a clean administration

Following the BJD Government's defeat after 24 years, Odisha voters chose BJP, driven by promises to rectify bureaucratic politicisation. Naveen Patnaik lost in Kantabanji. The new government made key administrative changes but retained some controversial practices.

  • Saturday, 20 July 2024
Odisha Assembly  
We can look forward to a more vibrant Odisha Assembly

But this columnist, for one, welcomes the move. There is no reason to condemn and dismiss something even before it has taken shape and we have seen how it works; whether or not it fulfills its stated objective of playing its role as an effective opposition by making the government more accountable.

  • Friday, 19 July 2024
Putting the Cart before the Horse
Putting the Cart before the Horse

Mohan Majhi, recently appointed as the Chief Minister, faces criticism alleging he was chosen to facilitate iron ore exploitation in Keonjhar, Odisha by Ambani and Adani. Critics ignore past unchecked mining abuses and instead focus on vilifying Majhi without awaiting his administrative actions.

Naveen Patnaik’s legacy – Hype and reality
Naveen Patnaik’s legacy – Hype and reality

The article discusses the political tenure of Naveen Patnaik, focusing on both his intangible and tangible contributions to Odisha. It contrasts these achievements with perceived administrative shortcomings and critiques, culminating in the BJP's electoral victory which ended Patnaik's long-standing rule.

Media Ethics and the Eternal ‘Proximity Vs. Objectivity’ Debate
Media Ethics and the Eternal ‘Proximity Vs. Objectivity’ Debate

The article discusses the dual-edged nature of journalists' access to politicians. While close relationships can yield exclusive stories and social prestige, they often compromise journalistic objectivity and credibility. The author reflects on his career, emphasizing the value of maintaining professional distance for unbiased reporting.

Odisha CM Mohan Majhi
Majhi Govt Has Its Task Cut Out

Mohan Majhi's new government started well with initial actions like opening Lok Seva Bhavan to journalists and Lord Jagannath temple to the public. However, issues arose with delayed portfolio allocations and excessive bureaucratic control, suggesting need for democratic reforms and better leadership distribution.

  • Sunday, 16 June 2024
VK Pandian
The Road Ahead for Pandian is Full of Potholes

VK Pandian, once a significant figure in Odisha's politics supported by Naveen Patnaik, has declared his withdrawal from active politics after a brief 195-day career marked by controversy and electoral defeat. Despite his past influence, his future in politics appears dim as he navigates challenges from an incoming BJP government.

Naveen Patnaik
History will not treat Naveen as kindly as Odias did him in his lifetime

The article reflects on Naveen Patnaik's political tenure as he steps down, critiquing his governance and its impact on Odia culture and politics. It highlights his manipulative political strategies, possible corruption, and the perceived betrayal by his trusted aide, alongside the disillusionment with his secular claims.

Naveen Patnaik
The Last Has Not Been Heard on the ‘Succession’ Battle !!

Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik clarified that VK Pandian is not his successor, aiming to quell rumors and manage the damage this speculation caused to BJD's election prospects. Despite the announcement, skepticism remains among voters as BJD faces significant challenges in the ongoing elections.

Setbacks Galore for BJD as Odisha Braces for Last Phase of Polls on June 1

The Biju Janata Dal faced multiple setbacks, including PM Modi's aggressive campaign claims, a CCTV revelation clearing BJP's Prashant Jagdev of EVM tampering, and DS Kutte's suspension by the Election Commission for election interference.

Employee Retention: BTW, who’s to be retained?
Employee Retention: BTW, who’s to be retained?

The article explores various aspects of employee retention, highlighting behavioral issues at work and the importance of a comprehensive hiring process. It discusses the need for values, attitude, and learning ability assessments during selection to ensure long-term organizational fit and reduce turnover.

  • Saturday, 25 May 2024
Naveen Patnaik
Naveen and the theory of the ‘lesser evil’

In Odisha, a significant number of people oppose regime change, fearing the BJP's potential for exacerbating communal tensions and authoritarian practices. Despite Naveen Patnaik's long tenure marked by various governance issues, many prefer the known challenges over the risks of BJP rule. This resistance spans from those benefiting from Patnaik’s patronage to those fearing unknown political shifts.

Odisha CM Naveen Patnaik
Naveen’s ‘No Odia’ strategy on test in this election

Despite serving as the Chief Minister of Odisha for over 24 years, Naveen Patnaik's refusal to speak Odia has surprisingly never been a major public or political issue. Only recently has the BJP highlighted this in their campaign, amidst Patnaik's potential succession plans and his significant political longevity without mastering the state's language.
