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Never do these 8 things in a healthy relationship
Never do these 8 things in a healthy relationship

A relationship is not always a smooth ride or an easy walk in a park.

UK PM Liz Truss
Global leaders tag wrong woman after Liz Truss becomes UK PM, her hilarious reply goes viral

Now, her hilarious replies to all the congratulatory messages are winning over the internet.

Salary memes
This hilarious memes on monthly salary is so relatable, will make you ROFL

Some people are lucky enough to love their jobs and get paid handsomely.

Baby Named After Indian Dish Pakora
UK couple name their child after Indian dish 'Pakora'; internet bursts with memes

The news was announced by a restaurant at Newtownabbey in Ireland through their social media handle. They announced on facebook that a couple who frequents the joint has named their baby after a dish of their restaurant.

This is why goods train seems longer than passenger train 
This is why goods train seems longer than passenger train 

The lengths of a goods train and passenger train should not exceed 650 metres.

In this village, stray dogs are ‘crorepatis’, offered laddoos for meals
In this village, stray dogs are ‘crorepatis’, offered ladoos for meals

There is a special place where the food is served to the dogs. There is also special utensils for them to consume their food.

Man buys new car; thanks ex, current girlfriends and wife
Man buys new car; thanks ex, current girlfriends and wife; see hilarious post

A user commented, "And people are taking him seriously here and advising him as well; I mean come on."

Lady professor slut-shamed, forced to resign for posting ‘bikini pictures’ on Instagram

According to sources, the lady professor is the former student of the same institute. She did her BA in English from there and went to do her MA from Jadavpur University. Later, she attended a European University for her doctorate.

Bhakra Nangal train
Travel on this train sans ticket without fear of TTE!

This train has been providing free ride for last 73 years.

Woman quits job after colleagues fail to attend her marriage
Woman resigns from job after only 1 out of 70 colleagues attends her marriage

She was more angry as she had to throw away enough food to feed six tables. She felt humiliated in front of her family and decided to quit her job the next day.

Johnny Depp lookalike
Meet Xerox copy of Hollywood star Johnny Depp; see pics 

The man was first caught during a religious ceremony in Iran’s Tabriz. An internet user recorded his video during the ceremony and uploaded it on TikTok.

Viral dance video at Times Square
Watch: This garba dance at Times Square is awesome

With more than 2.41k likes, the video has been loved by one and all on social media. Three beautiful girls can be seen dancing to a garba number. The video caption reads, “Garba Dance in NYC,” with a love sign.

7 signs He's not cheating on you
7 important signs He’s not cheating on you

In this era of social media, trust issues often cause paranoia and unnecessary arguments in every relationships. There is a constant fear that our partner might be cheating.

This eye-opening video on middle class boys will leave you teary-eyed
This eye-opening video on middle class boys will leave you teary-eyed

The video has magnificently summed up the difficulties a middle class boy goes through in his life. The video which has gone viral on social media platforms has evoked thousands of likes and comments from netizens.

 Khatu Shyam temple
Why do people keep their shoes outside the Temple?

People leave their footwear outside not only while entering temples, but also their own houses. Going into the temple or any other place of worship is the best way to cleanse your body and soul.
