Sangati Jogwar

News Highlights

  • The Hollywood superstar paid for a few scenes of Forest Gump.
  • Tom Hanks is one of the very few Hollywood superstars who has an asteroid named after him by NASA.

From Splash to Forrest Gump, Tom Hanks has delivered some of the most stunning performances on the celluloid. As he completes 67 years today, here are some of the lesser-known facts about the famous Hollywood actor and filmmaker.

Tom sold hot dogs when he was 14

During summer Tom Hanks worked at the ballpark stands selling sodas, peanuts, and hot dogs when he was only 14 years. While he had hoped for a better experience while selling this stuff to Oakland A’s fans, Tom was robbed twice and he also had to face bullying from the adult vendors around.

Hanks paid for a few scenes from Forest Gump

When the budget for Forest Gump was exceeded and the makers did not want to pay any more money, the Hollywood superstar paid for a few scenes so that the movie could be completed and turned out to be the classic that it became.

Hanks has a love for typewriters

Computers have taken over typewriters a long time ago. But for Tom Hanks , they continue to be very important and he has a collection of 250 plus typewriters with him. Interestingly, whenever he travels, he carries at least two typewriters with him. His intention is to foster a typewriting people community.

Most members of Hanks’s family have appeared in his movies

In Forest Gump, it was Elizabeth Hanks who played the little girl with freckles on the bus. In another of his movies titled That Thing You Do! his wife, son, and daughter all had made appearances.

The promoter of Meat-free Monday

Tom Hanks and his wife Rita promote a meat-free Monday campaign that aims to encourage people to eat less meat and turn towards more vegetarian foods.

An asteroid is named after him

Tom Hanks is one of the very few Hollywood superstars who has an asteroid named after him by NASA. The other two stars are James Bond fame, Sean Connery and Anne Frank.
