Vikash Sharma

After registering an emphatic win in the recently concluded elections 2024 in Odisha, the BJP is now on cloud nine and looking forward to the formation of the new government in the state.

Speaking to the media, Odisha BJP president Manmohan Samal on Wednesday said Odisha people had tremendous faith in Prime Minister Narendra Modi and they voted for a change in the state.

“It was people who were fighting the elections as they were fed up with the corrupt governance of the BJD. The election was to restore Odia Asmita, culture and tradition. The people trusted BJP’s assurances and the new government will certainly work for them. People have rejected the idea of a non-Odia CM and voted for BJP,” said Samal.

‘CM Face Based On Criteria Set By PM Modi’

On the selection of BJP’s Chief Minister candidate, the Odisha BJP president said that the party’s Parliamentary Board will take a decision on CM in the next one or two days. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had earlier announced the date for the oath-taking ceremony for the party’s CM on June 10.

Also Read | 10 reasons behind BJD’s downfall and BJP’s rise to power in Odisha

“The selection of CM candidate will be based on the criteria set by Prime Minister Narendra Modi that an Odia son or daughter who will uphold the culture and tradition will be the next Chief Minister,” said Samal.

‘We Did Not Have Any Doubt To Form Govt’

To a media question whether BJP was expecting such a mandate, the Odisha BJP chief Manmohan Samal said, “I had earlier told that the people of Odisha would fight elections and the BJP would come to power with a thumping majority. This has happened.”

Ayushman Bharat to Replace BSKY in Odisha

The Odisha BJP president Manmohan Samal said that health cards will change and soon Ayushman Bharat scheme will be implemented in Odisha. The 1.5 crore Odia people staying outside will also get benefits, he said as 'BSKY which has limited scope will be closed'.

“Common people will get 100% of Rs 5 lakh and there will be no limitation for treatment. Ayushman Bharat is a populist scheme and it will be implemented after the new government takes oath,” said Samal adding that whatever commitments made by the BJP will begin immediately after completion of the oath-taking ceremony.

“Be it the issue of opening of Ratna Bhandar, opening of gates of Srimandir, paddy MSP or others, work on these will begin soon,” said Samal.

No confusion should be created over BSKY: BJP

Later in the day, Odisha BJP chief Manmohan Samal clarified that on the pretext of the government change, no confusion should be created over BSKY. "Providing healthcare services is the primary responsibility of the government. The change of the government is a continuous process. Patients should not be deprived of healthcare benefits on account of this. The administration should keep a close eye on such false rumours," he observed.  


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