Nitesh Kumar Sahoo

Lions are apex predators known for their agility, strength and power. It is rare for prey to escape from the deadly jaws of the big cats. However, some lucky and brave animals escape from the powerful jaws of the lions. Lions, often referred to as the 'King of the Forest' are powerful and brave, but not invincible. Not just elephants or some other majestic creatures, lions can be defeated by several other animals.

It is quite common to see videos of lions chasing and hunting their prey. However, have you ever seen a prey chasing its predator? Recently, a video surfaced on the internet that shows a herd of buffalo chasing and scaring away a lion and a lioness. 

In the video, the lion pair can be seen walking on the grassland. However, the herd of wild buffaloes approaches them. As soon as they come closer, they start charging the big cats. Though the lion and lioness didn't bother them, the buffaloes in alert mode tried to scare them away. While the lioness growls, the lion turns around and tries to protect its partner. However, as the buffaloes walk closer with intentions to attack them, the lion tries to shoo them away. 

While the buffaloes step back after the lion's attack, one of them charges the male big cat. Meanwhile, the lioness walks away from the herd and the lion follows its partner. However, the alert herd of buffaloes didn't stop there. They charged the lion pair for a few distance. The buffalo herd chasing and scaring away the lion and lioness is something rare and surprising to witness.

Though the source of the video couldn't be verified, it is shared on X by Mohit with a caption reading, "Male lion saves his lioness from buffalo herd." (sic)

The video has gone viral with netizens sharing it massively with different interesting captions. The video has been viewed over 23K times so far. However, the comments section is getting flooded with interesting comments. 

Reacting to the video, one user wrote, "The King is brave, not invincible. That's one thing you should understand." (sic)

Another wrote, "Cute couple goals." (sic)

"Lol when they both start jogging it's so cute," wrote a third user. (sic)

More from the Author | Lion comes to the rescue of helpless lioness attacked by a cackle of hyenas, watch

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