Rajendra Prasad Mohapatra

In an unfortunate incident, the statue of Utkalamani Gopabandhu Das was recently found completely covered with a piece of white cloth in Puri. Local residents have expressed their resentment over the development.

However, the statue was uncovered immediately after the video of the incident went viral on various social media platforms.

Moreover, the steps that are used to garland the statue of Gopabandhu have been demolished overnight. However, who are behind these kinds of deplorable act is yet to be ascertained.

Now question mark has been raised on why a great freedom fighter and statesman like Gopabandhu is humiliated in this manner in the Pilgrim City. Several local people have alleged that Utkalmani was humiliated in the Holy City on the pretext of the construction of the Srimandir Heritage Corridor project.

“Some locals are alleging that the steps of the Gopabandhu statue have been demolished to perform some special rituals of Srimandir. However, the steps were in no way making any kind of obstruction to the offering of the rituals. It is certainly a humiliation to Utkalamani Gopabandhu,” said a senior servitor.

“Steps of Gopabandhu statue have been demolished and the statue was covered with a piece of white cloth for offering some special rituals. It’s certainly a matter of humiliation to Utkalmani,” said senior servitor Binayak Das Mohapatra.

“A separate road could have been constructed for the police control room. Indra puja could have been performed here without any kind of hindrance. I don’t understand the justification for demolishing the steps of Gopabandhu statute. It’s certainly a humiliation of the great freedom fighter,” said a resident of Puri.

However, no comments from the district administration could be obtained in this regard. 

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