Cassian Baliarsingh

An 89-year-old man from Bahali village under Narsinghpur police limits in Cuttack district has pledged to donate his eyes and organs after his death for transplant to needy patients.

Karun Pradhan has become a source of inspiration for his noble thought at this age. He has been receiving praises from all quarters. Despite his sons and family members opposing to his idea of donation, he is confident and keen on saving lives of some patients.

It is his last wish, he says.

“I had visited Cuttack to file all necessary documents to donate my eyes and organs. I also have a form from Bhubaneswar. I will fill this form and pledge to donate and save lives. I have no other wish in life. I’m already 89 and this will be my last wish,” said Karun.

A fellow villager Rutuparna Pradhan said, “Seeing his noble gesture at this age, I’m overwhelmed. An 89-year-old man has come forward for the noble job which people of our age will think twice before taking up. So, I’m with him.”

“He has three sons. None of them want him to donate his body, eyes or organs. But, he is keen to do the noble job. This is a supreme donation. So, we are with him and pray to Lord Jagannath to bless him and people like him,” said another villager.

Notably, a single organ donor can possibly save up to eight people. Organs that can be donated for transplant are heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, pancreas and intestines. 

Thousands of people die every year because of unavailability of organs. Such a noble job by Karun is indeed an inspiration for many others to come forward and save lives.

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