Sangati Jogwar

News Highlights

  • Eating your favourite junk food in small proportions ensures that you do not crave them.
  • Having a light dinner after a heavy lunch balances your overall daily calorie intake.

There must be very few people who do not relish delicious meals and food items. Everyone loves to eat junk foods and gorge on those hot favourite street-side delicacies and multi-continental cuisines. However, most of these dishes come under the radar as being unhealthy which is why health experts ask to avoid them or eat them once a few months.

But it is not easy to give up on such tasty foods for a lifetime. Instead of avoiding them, it is possible to find a mid-way due to which you can enjoy those favourite dishes without compromising your health.

Eat with gratitude and small proportions

Guilt is the number one reason why many people cannot enjoy the food they love so much. And that is why they do not feel satisfied with a few bites and end up binging on them. Here, they must change their approach toward food and eat with gratitude and choose small portions. Your approach towards eating your favourite food in this way will give you that feeling of satiation even when eaten in a small amount.

Sip warm water

Warm water is good for digestion and helps you feel light after a heavy meal. You can sip warm water half an hour after you have eaten. It will not only improve the speed of digestion but will also burn calories faster.

Avoid sweets at dinner

If you love to have that favourite sweet dish and indulge in it a bit once in a while, then you must add it to your lunch. Avoid eating sweets at dinner as during the night you rarely do any activities and those extra calories just stay on you. Importantly, it is difficult to digest heavy meals or sweets after sunset so you must avoid eating sweets at dinner.

Drink a special herbal tea for feeling light

According to Ayurvedic doctor Dr. Dixa Bhavsar, a herbal tea made by boiling curry leaves, mint leaves, and a piece of fresh ginger in water can make you feel light and ease the discomfort that usually follows after a heavy meal. You can take this drink one hour after your meal. It is especially good for those who are trying to lose weight or are suffering from lifestyle diseases.

Have a light dinner

After eating a heavy lunch you must ensure to eat fewer calories at the end of the day. Having a light khichdi or soup is enough to fulfill your hunger and avoid the consumption of extra calories.

Disclaimer: This piece of article is for basic information purposes only. It's always advisable to consult a doctor for any type of health issue.
