Nitesh Kumar Sahoo

Crocodiles are known to be most dangerous animals and very aggressive. They are most powerful and merciless creatures. These violent predators are also known to attack humans on purpose. These reptiles enter human habitats close to water bodies and kill animals as well as humans.

But, here we bring a video of crocodiles that entered a human habitat. The video has left netizens baffled.

In the video, a man can be seen holding an animal catching pole with the leash tied around the neck of a crocodile. While the man tries to pull out the crocodile, another man uses a big hammer to break the concrete pavement as the reptile was stuck under it. The man with the pole moves to the other side as the man with hammer breaks the pavement. 

Once again he puts the leash around the crocodile's neck and pulls it out. A third person uses another tool to hold the crocodile and finally pull out the reptile completely. Shockingly, another crocodile runs out from under the pavement frightening everyone. Several more crocodiles seem to be stuck under the concrete pavement. 

The video shared on Instagram by  TYRESE has gone viral on social media raising the eyebrows of netizens. While the video has amassed massive views, the comments section is also flooded with notes of users expressing their shock.

Several users have raised surprise over how is it even possible for the crocodiles to get under the concrete pavement and survive.

Meanwhile, some other users opined that there must be a water body in the proximity of the human habitat. The crocodiles must have crawled in search of food and safety and got stuck under the pavement.
