Soumya Prakash Pradhan

Many people are happy with the rise of AI technology as it makes some tasks easier.

However, there is also concern about job insecurity and potential career impact.

One recent AI development is the popular ChatGPT tool created by CEO Sam Altman.

Unfortunately, some people are taking advantage of the internet to create fake AI tools to scam and defraud others.

Therefore, the government's official site, CERT, aims at educating people about staying safe online and avoiding hacks and scams.

The latest announcement from the Government's site, CERT, raises concern about 'FraudGPT,' an AI chatbot designed to covertly access users' personal information without their knowledge.

The government provides tips on identifying suspicious sites and protecting personal information.

One such AI chatbot, called 'FraudGPT,' is used by fraudsters to generate convincing phishing emails, texts, and websites.

It tricks users into sharing sensitive information or clicking on harmful links and attachments.

To protect yourself online, remember these tips from CERT-In:

  1. Avoid clicking on links or attachments from unknown sources.
  2. Always verify the authenticity of calls, emails, or messages.
  3. Regularly update your security software and keep your devices up to date.

By following these guidelines, you can better safeguard yourself from online threats and cyber frauds.
