Mrunal Manmay Dash

Ceasing all the speculations and allegations, the Superintendent of Police of Rourkela on Saturday said that the death of woman assistant sub-inspector (ASI) Alisa Narmi Lugun was caused by a condition called Excited Delirium otherwise known as Agitated Delirium or Hyperactive Delirium.

With this revelation, section 302 will now be removed from the charge sheet.

Addressing a press conference, SP Mitrabhanu Mohapatra said, “After we received the post-mortem report, we sent it to AIIMS Bhubaneswar for further analysis. As per the AIIMS, ASI Lugun died due to excited delirium. It happens when a person gets excessively excited. The person experiences an adrenalin rush and subsequent problem in breathing.”

“The doctor has clearly stated that there has been no attack on her and there is no injury to her body. We will now investigate in that direction and arrive at a conclusion soon enough. As per the allegations of her family, we had lodged a murder case. But now after the post-mortem report, we will take the investigation accordingly,” Mohapatra added.

Lugun, who was posted at Udit Nagar police station in Rourkela, died under mysterious circumstances while on duty at an accident site.

According to reports, Lugun had gone to an accident spot when she felt uneasy and was rushed to the hospital. However, doctors declared her dead upon arrival. The sudden death of a hefty and healthy police officer had raised serious questions.

While reports suggest that lady ASI died of a heart attack, family members alleged a bigger conspiracy and suspected her death to be linked with the death of Rourkela Assistant Collector.

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