Rajendra Prasad Mohapatra

With the world-famous car festival drawing close in Puri, in an unfortunate incident, the ‘Parsva’ deities (side deities/ sakhi idols) used in the three chariots during the Rath Yatra have been damaged by termites due to lack of proper maintenance. The development has triggered resentment among the devotees and servitors.

These wooden idols are used to decorate and beautify the chariots of Lord Jagannath and His sibling deities – Lord Balabhadra and Goddess Subhadra. While the hands and faces of some of the idols have been damaged, some other idols have been deformed by termites.

As per the servitors, these side idols of the chariots were built even before the previous 2015 ‘Nabakalebara’ of the Holy Trinity. As per the ‘Rupakara’ servitors, new ‘Sakhi’ idols have not been built again after that.

Rupakara servitors of Puri Jagannath temple have expressed their resentment over the damage of ‘Sakhi’ idols’.

They have demanded that ‘Sakhi’, ‘Sarathi’ and other side idols of the chariots should be kept in a museum.

As per sources, the ‘Sarathis’ used in the chariots were earlier worshipped at Ananda Bazaar. However, subsequently, those idols were shifted to Koili Baikuntha, Dolabedi and Uttaraparswa Matha and kept there without proper maintenance. As a result, these idols were damaged by termites.

“The ‘Sakhi’ idols of the chariots have been damaged by termites. When we informed about the development to the temple administration, they told us to repair the idols. However, the idols are in such a condition that they cannot be repaired again. We request the administration to keep the idols in a proper place with due maintenance,” said Purnachandra Mohapatra, chief Rupakara servitor of Taladhwaja chariot.

“We request the administration to keep all the side idols of the chariots at a permanent place with proper security and maintenance facilities. It gives us immense pain to see the deformed idols,” rued Rajendra Mohapatra, chief Rupakara servitor of the Nandighosha chariot.

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