Odishatv Bureau

Whether you want to control diabetes, have a better digestion, or cure high cholesterol, skin trauma, or even cancer, Amla is said to aid in all. Also described as Indian Gooseberry, this translucent green fruit is cultivated throughout India and nearby countries. Containing as much vitamin C as 20 oranges, it won’t be wrong to call Amla, a superfruit. 

Health Benefits:

1.     Controls Blood sugar levels:
Amla is a rich source of chromium that has positive effects on the pancreas, where the hormone insulin is produced, which regularises blood sugar levels. Moreover, as chromium regulates carbonate metabolism, it makes the body more responsive to insulin, further helping to keep blood sugar levels in control.

2.     Lowers Cholesterol:
As per various clinical studies, Amla interferes with cholesterol absorption by stopping the action of the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase which plays an important role in the formation of cholesterol. This superfruit significantly lowers LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein) and TG (Triglyceride) levels and increases HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein) levels.
3.     Improves Digestion: 
Being rich in fibre, Amla promotes healthy bowel movement by cleaning the gastrointestinal tract, thus improving digestion. In addition, high levels of Vitamin C  in Amla helps your body absorb other nutrients, which is quite helpful especially if you take iron and mineral supplements.
4.     Improves Vision: 
The vitamin A in Amla helps in keeping your eyes healthy and lowers the risk of age-related macular degeneration. Moreover, while the Vitamin C in the fruit aids in eye health by fighting bacteria, the antioxidants protect the eye retina from oxidative stress further reducing the risk of cataract.
5.     Reduce cancer risk:
Packed with antioxidants, Amla is effective in reducing the risk of cancer as it naturally fights free radicals that are usually responsible for the formation of carcinogenic cells. The Oxidant Radiance Activity Capacity (ORAC) in Amla also acts against oxidative stress caused due to cell damage as well as prevents the growth of tumour cells.

Key Takeaways

Amla’s health benefits can’t be understated. Apart from being a superfruit, it can be had in a variety of ways too. Sensing its popularity, many companies sell Amla in bottles and packets too. However, it is best to buy it fresh and use it in your diet as naturally as you can. 
