Cassian Baliarsingh

A young girl with big dreams sparkling in her eyes, who decided to break all the societal norms and chase her destiny, is going viral online for her inspiring journey. With big dreams in her eyes, she started chasing her destiny. Each step beautifully unfolded for her and then she asked herself does she truly deserve this?

Then god answered you deserve this and much more my child!! She left everything behind and started working hard to hone her skills and her destiny started unfolding gilded tiers of her life!!

Today, we bring to you the inspiring journey of Aishwarya Taukari who is the first in her family to graduate with a Master’s degree. Currently, working in New Zealand, she also became the first woman to leave her hometown in India, move to a different country, attend a college, earn a degree, and finally build her own career.

Her inspiring Linkedln post is currently the point of attraction on social media. Sharing her story, Aishwarya wrote, “Last week I became the first in my family to graduate with a master's Degree. I am now confident that I won't be the last :)🙏”

“The youngest of 4 children. I am the first woman to leave my hometown, go to college, get a degree, build a career, go to office and move to a different country. To be the first to do anything, anywhere is very scary. To be the first doesn’t mean to be perfect,” she added.

Her post continued, “It’s not an overnight journey that happens without any hiccups, wrong choices and U-turns. God knows I've made so MANY mistakes along the way. It simply means you’re taking tiny, incremental steps, day to day that often go unnoticed. It means that you’re moving the needle, slowly and steadily so someone else in your family doesn’t have to fight as hard as you did.”

“Keep pushing. It’ll all come together someday and even if it doesn't you'd have grown a lil more stronger than you were yesterday :),” she concluded.

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