Opinion News Updates

Lal Girja-Balasore
Lal Girija: The Small English Church of Odisha

The history of Christianity in Odisha is linked to the discovery of the sea-route from Europe to India by Vasco de Gama in 1498. The Portuguese traders played a vital role in the beginning of Christianity, particularly in the Balasore region. By 1514, they had made a settlement at Pipili, and ancient port at the […]

Snodgrass and his Beacon Island

It is an architectural marvel with a conical pillar and a small room constructed on a submerged mass of rocks in Rambha bay near Ghantsilar hill, popularly known as ‘Beacon Point’. The small room and the gleaming white spire are visible from a distance both on sunny days and on full moon nights. Today, it […]

How does regional film making survive and succeed

By Sanjoy Patnaik Film making in smaller regional locations/states is experiencing a range of critical challenges that largely emerges out of smaller markets, thus limited revenue and, therefore, less impactful cinema. Limited revenue is also responsible for attracting inadequately skilled human resource and averagely equipped techno-creative hands to make films that would at the least […]

Discourse on Women’s Land Rights Needs Change of Lens

By Sanjoy Patnaik The bulk of contemporary global literature on women’s land rights, largely emerging out of the work by practitioners and researchers at country level in the last two decades or more, has primarily focused on two key factors; a) why women need land and b) what are the key barriers to women getting […]

Silk City Berhampur in Odisha
Scope Galore Yet Silk City Berhampur Waits For Its Tryst With Destiny

Berhampur's huge potential for growth remains untapped. Compared to the thriving economic activities during good part of the 19th and early part of the 20th centuries that had ramifications even offshore through movement of people and merchandise, there has been a steady slowdown.

Odisha School Reopening On July 26
Odisha School Reopening: The Gamble Had To Be Taken

There is little doubt that Odisha government has taken a huge gamble by deciding to reopen schools, even if only for Class X and XII students, at a time when the second wave of the Covid pandemic is not over yet.

City in Warps: Cuttack

THERE could possibly be no better topic to start a column with than one’s own city, Cuttack in my case. Born here, I haven’t spent more than six to eight months at a stretch outside, not once. Remember the frog in the well or “the wellsian frog” as R.K. Narayan had named it. I am […]

A Sighting of the Lord!

The current pervading moroseness in society, over women’s safety, tempts me to scan a recent memory; of a dark and sooty Kartika night when I stood stranded for two hours by a lone tea stall along the Bhubaneswar-Puri highway. I had got off on the spot from a ramshackle bus the conductor was stuffing with […]

Al Chiki, a date with the colourful Santalis!

At the Chanakya BNR heritage hotel in Puri, on an October 2012 forenoon, I am sitting with fourteen Santali translators to finalize the anthology of forty post-independent Odia short stories in Santali translation. The men, led by Dr Damayanti Beshra, academic and Santali language expert, the Director of this particular translation project, have travelled three […]

Relationship: Its Rhymes and Rhythm

What is a Relationship? The answer can very well be quizzical – ‘if you don’t ask me I know, if you ask me I do not’. Here I wish to share a short poem I had written a few years back. It reads like this: “I spent hours with her In a crowd She was […]

Padma For Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswati
Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswati: The Forgotten Monk Who Gave His Life For Banavasis Of Odisha

Swami Lakshmanananda had taken a vow to fight the menace of religious conversion by working for the development of the downtrodden classes of Kandhamal, Odisha.

Who Are the Servitors Serving?

By Sambit Dash  Breach in traditions, some of them hundreds of years old and carrying deep religious importance, seems to be the order of the day in major temples of Odisha. The writ of these ‘men of God’ – sadly, religion and women do not go well together – runs large in these gross diversions […]

  • Monday, 19 July 2021
Nurturing Water Sensitivity
Nurturing Water Sensitivity

By Capt. Dibya Shankar Mishra Spring-summer comes with many delights in India. Holi – the festival of colours, Baisakhi – the glorious harvest festival in north India, Kaalbaishakhi – squally thunder storms that typically occur in the eastern Gangetic plains of Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha and West Bengal. Kaalbaisakhi has a very special place in the […]

We have to build a tolerant, harmonious, peaceful India: Prez

New Delhi, Apr 14 (PTI) The nation we are to build has to be tolerant, harmonious and peaceful where the last person feels a part of the narrative of the country, President Pranab Mukherjee today said. Addressing a batch of probationers of Indian Ordnance Factories Service at Rashtrapati Bhavan, he said the nation which “we […]

  • Monday, 19 July 2021
Jat Agitation
Politics at play as Jat agitation pushes Haryana backward

By Jaideep Sarin Chandigarh: For a state promoting itself as an ideal investment destination under the ‘Happening Haryana’ banner, the violent events of the past 10 days arising out of the Jat community’s agitation for job reservations have come as a rude setback. Politics is now being blamed for the Jat agitation spinning out of […]

  • Monday, 19 July 2021