Poonam Singh

In recent times, the Delhi metro has unfortunately gained attention for a series of negative incidents. Another such episode unfolded when two women engaged in a heated dispute over standing space, and a fellow passenger captured the clash on video, leading to its viral spread.

The video opens to show two women engaged in a physical and verbal altercation within the confines of a Delhi Metro train. As the footage advances, their conflict escalates, each striving to assert their stance on the matter.

While the exact catalyst for the confrontation remains unclear, the video suggests that it arose from a minor request made by one woman, regarding her standing position. This request seems to have provoked the other woman, dressed in black.

Eventually, the situation is diffused by the intervention of a third woman, effectively bringing the altercation to an end.

The video was shared on the Twitter handle @gharkekalesh with the caption, "Kalesh [heated argument] between two women inside Delhi Metro over not getting a place to stand." Since its posting on August 15, the video has garnered more than 48,000 views and continues to attract attention. Several viewers have expressed their opinions in the comments section, showcasing a variety of reactions.

While some social media users expressed a sense of fatigue due to the recurrence of such incidents in the Delhi Metro, others adopted a more satirical tone in their responses.

One Twitterati wrote, “Delhi Metro main apka swagat hai.” Another commented, “Delhi metro and kalesh never ending story.” A third user wrote, “Women will be Women.”
