Soumya Prakash Pradhan

As the temperature rises and the summer heat intensifies, it becomes important to take precautions to protect ourselves from heat-related illnesses.

The Ministry of Health has shared valuable tips to help you stay cool and beat the heat.

Here are the recommendations for maintaining your well-being during the scorching summer months.

The official Twitter handle of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India (@MoHFW_INDIA), recently tweeted about important tips to beat the heat.

They emphasised the significance of avoiding alcohol and coffee during hot weather to prevent heat-related illnesses.

The Health Ministry also provided recommendations on food-related precautions that individuals should take to stay safe and avoid heat-related illnesses as the temperature rises.

Avoiding Heat-Inducing Foods

To minimise the risk of dehydration and heat-related illness, it is important to pay attention to your diet.

The Ministry of Health advised avoiding certain foods and beverages that can exacerbate the effects of heat on your body.

"Stay away from alcohol, tea, coffee, and carbonated soft drinks, as they have diuretic properties and may lead to excessive fluid loss. Instead, opt for refreshing alternatives such as infused water, natural fruit juices, or herbal teas to keep your body hydrated," the Ministry said.

Mindful Eating

In addition to avoiding specific beverages, it is also crucial to be mindful of your food choices during the summer months.

The Ministry of Health suggested steering clear of high-protein meals and stale food, as they can put extra strain on your digestive system and make you feel sluggish.

Instead, focus on incorporating lighter and easily digestible foods into your diet, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.

These choices will provide essential nutrients while helping your body cope with the heat.

Cooking and Ventilation

During peak summer hours, it is advisable to avoid cooking activities that generate excessive heat.

The Ministry of Health recommended adjusting your cooking schedule to early mornings or evenings when the temperature is relatively cooler.

By doing so, you can minimise exposure to intense heat and reduce discomfort in the kitchen.

Additionally, ensure proper ventilation by opening doors and windows to allow fresh air circulation.

This will help maintain a cooler environment and prevent the accumulation of heat while cooking.
