Vikash Sharma

Amid the mystery surrounding the death of two Russian nationals including a lawmaker Pavel Antov in Odisha's Rayagada, Odisha Police DG Sunil Bansal on Sunday stated that presently there is no indication of any foul play in the case.

According to the DGP, the Crime Branch is investigating the case, and selected and competent officers are on the job. “It is a certainly time consuming investigation,” said Bansal.

On media query whether Odisha Police will seek assistance of Interpol, the DGP said, “We are conducting the investigation with an open mind. If anything comes or what needs to be done will be decided as things progress.”

It is pertinent to mention here that four Russian nationals had come to Rayagada and stayed in a hotel on December 21, 2022. On December 22 last year, one of them identified as Vladimir Bidenov was found dead. Two days later on December 24, Antov was found dead.

The death of Pavel Antov, a business tycoon and critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, has sent ripples across the globe. The lawmaker had been constantly opposing Russia-Ukraine war.

Also Read: Russian tourists' death in Odisha: Crime Branch constitutes another team for probe

Meanwhile, the Crime Branch team led by DSP Saroj Mohanty today visited the hotel where Pavel was staying. The team reportedly quizzed the hotel staff and others in connection with the case.

Earlier, a debate erupted over the final rites of two Russian nationals including lawmaker Pavel Antov.

It was alleged that the last rites were allegedly performed in a hurry. The duo was reportedly cremated instead of being buried. Russian Ambassador to India Denis Alipov later claimed that nothing wrong was done in performing the last rites of the deceased duo.

(Reported By Atulya Bout)

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