Sangati Jogwar

News Highlights

  • Jamun seed powder if taken daily helps in controlling spike in blood sugar levels.
  • It also helps to reduce liver inflammation.

Jamun is an extremely healthy and delicious fruit that is found in abundance during the summer season. It has unlimited advantages and is highly recommended for diabetics as it controls blood sugar levels.

Not only the fruit of Jamun but even the seeds of this fruit contribute wonderfully well in managing blood sugar spikes. That is why a powder of dried Jamun seeds can be included as a medicine in your daily diet so that your sugar levels always remain under control.

Lowers blood sugar levels

Jamun seed powder is extremely beneficial in lowering blood sugar levels. With its active ingredients like jambosine and jamboline, the powder slows down the rate at which sugar releases into the blood thereby increasing insulin levels in your body. Since it has a low glycaemic index, it is an ideal option for diabetics.

Detoxifying properties

The powder has natural detoxifying properties which help maintain natural urination and sweating. Usually, diabetic patients frequently face issues related to urination. That is why regular use of the Jamun seed powder is recommended.

Liver stimulant

Jamun seed powder is also beneficial as a liver stimulant as it is rich in antioxidants that fight the damage done by free radicals thereby protecting the liver cells. Its anti-inflammatory properties reduce liver inflammation.

Controls blood pressure fluctuations

The Jamun seed powder has ellagic acid which is a type of antioxidant that keeps the fluctuations in the blood pressure under control.

Keeps free radicals away

Most of the internal body organs are damaged due to free radicals. The flavonoids and phenolic compounds present in the Jamun seed powder keep such free radicals away and hence the damage can be controlled.

How to consume Jamun seed powder?

You can take this powder every day with a glass of warm water. The jamun seed powder has a sweet and tangy taste and can be taken also with low-fat or almond milk as per your preference.

(Disclaimer: This piece of article is for basic information purposes only. It's always advisable to consult a doctor for any type of health issue.)
