Sangati Jogwar

News Highlights

  • Green leafy vegetables are good sources of iron.
  • These vegetables must always be consumed after cooking to ensure that the body absorbs iron properly.

Hemoglobin is an iron and protein-rich content found in the red blood cells that give red colour to blood. It carries oxygen to all parts of the body and takes carbon dioxide away from the body cells to the lungs so that it can be exhaled. That is why hemoglobin is one of the most important proteins that contributes to the overall healthy functioning of the body.

So when the hemoglobin level drops it can create difficulties for the organs to function properly as they do not receive oxygen in adequate amounts. Some of the symptoms of low levels of hemoglobin which is also called anemia include dizziness, fatigue, headaches, fast heart rate, shortness of breath, pale skin, and more.

Increasing hemoglobin levels naturally

If your CBC count test shows that you are anemic then apart from the medications that the health experts might prescribe you can also introduce the following fruits and vegetables in your daily diet to increase hemoglobin naturally.


Rich in magnesium, natural iron, phosphorus, copper, and vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, and C, beetroot has many nutrients in abundance and hence is often recommended for good health as well as for increasing hemoglobin levels. Use them in raw salads or in cooked form in parathas or drink a glass of beetroot juice to boost your iron levels.

Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables like mustard greens, fenugreek leaves, celery, broccoli, and spinach are good sources of iron. But these vegetables must never be consumed raw because the oxalic acid in the raw leaves prevents the absorption of iron in the body. These leafy vegetables are also good sources of vitamin B12 and other vital nutrients. Use them in soups, dals, and parathas to get maximum benefits.

Moringa leaves

Moringa trees are found in almost all parts of India. Apart from its beans, its leaves are also extremely beneficial for health. The leaves of Moringa are rich in copper, zinc, iron, vitamins A, B, and C as well as magnesium. You can use these leaves for preparing salads, dals, and vegetables, or prepare a churna by mixing dried Moringa leaves with jaggery powder. Eating this churna daily before breakfast helps to improve hemoglobin levels in the body.

Sesame seeds

Black sesame seeds are a treasure trove of nutrients and vitamins. It has iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc, copper, selenium, vitamins B6 and E, and folate in good amounts. Soak them overnight and eat them in the morning to derive good results. Ladoos made from roasted sesame seed powder and jaggery are also helpful in increasing hemoglobin levels. You can sprinkle roasted sesame on salads or oatmeals to include these nutrient-rich seeds into your daily diet.

Raisins, dates, and figs

Dates and raisins are loaded with Vitamin C and iron whereas Figs have iron, Vitamin A, folate, and magnesium in abundance. Eating a handful of figs, raisins, and dates every morning provides you with the required amount of energy to spend the day enthusiastically and with also adequate amount of iron to improve your hemoglobin levels.
