Sangati Jogwar

News Highlights

  • Women with gestational diabetes must take proper care of their diet.
  • They must avoid foods that spike blood sugar levels.

Gestational diabetes is a form of diabetes that is traced during pregnancy especially when the pregnancy has progressed to the 24th to 28th week. Women suffering from gestational diabetes develop insulin resistance during their pregnancy period which can be caused by multiple reasons including excess weight, genetic predisposition, and hormonal imbalances.

Such pregnant women must take good care of what they eat or what they should skip. With careful management, it is possible to deliver a normal baby without any problem to the mother’s health.

Gestational diabetes diet: Foods to Eat

Lean proteins

Foods like legumes, tofu, fish, and chicken are dense with essential nutrients and proteins and have minimum levels of unhealthy fats. These help to keep the blood sugar levels stable which are so important for the stable development and growth of the infant.

Foods rich in fiber

Whole grains, vegetables, and fruits are excellent sources of fiber and help regulate blood sugar levels, maintain stable levels of energy all through the day, and promote satiety.

Healthy fats

Olive oil, nuts, seeds, and avocados contain healthy fats that control blood sugar levels and support overall health. These fats should be taken in small amounts to ensure a satiety feeling, improve sensitivity towards insulin, and also for reducing the risk of heart disease.

Non-starchy vegetables

Spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, and bell peppers are very high in essential minerals, vitamins and low in carbohydrates. These help you maintain a balanced diet and also manage blood sugar levels in an effective way.

Low-fat dairy products

Low-fat yogurt, skim milk, and cheese containing protein, vitamin D, and calcium are highly essential for the development of bones in the baby and should be included in a daily diet by a pregnant woman with gestational diabetes.

Foods to avoid in gestational diabetes

Sugary beverages like sweetened drinks, sodas, and anything that has high sugar content and can spike blood sugar levels should be avoided in gestational diabetes. Refined carbohydrates like pastries, sugary cereals, white bread, processed snacks, deep-fried foods like high-fat dairy products, fatty meat, and excessive salt must be avoided in gestational diabetes.

(Disclaimer: This piece of article is for basic information purposes only. It's always advisable to consult a doctor for any type of health issue.)
