Sangati Jogwar

News Highlights

  • Changing lifestyle has increased the issues of fatty liver and cholesterol.
  • The risk factors for getting diabetes are high if you have a family history.

It is a common tendency among men to visit the doctors only when they are not feeling well. Unlike women, who need to keep a tab on their health for hormone fluctuations, pregnancies, and menopause, men usually do not find any need to visit a health expert.

And, that is why men are more likely to skip a normal health annual check-up as compared to women. But when reach middle-age, men must do certain health check-ups on a regular basis so that they maintain good health.

Lipid profile

Changing lifestyle has increased the issues of fatty liver and cholesterol. That is why as you age, it is important that you keep on getting your lipid profile checked at least once a year. If they are on the higher side, the health expert will suggest lifestyle changes like introducing exercise and eating non-oily foods. If required he may also recommend a few medications.

Blood pressure

While earlier hypertension knocked on the doors only when you crossed middle age, nowadays, due to stress in day-to-day life, even youngsters in their twenties and thirties suffer from high blood pressure. So, it is very important to keep a tab on your blood pressure readings on a regular basis.

Eye examination

Earlier even old people did not require glasses for reading. Nowadays, due to the increased use of electronic devices like television, mobiles, and laptops, eyes go through a lot of pressure. Hence, it is a must that you at least check your eyes once a year for any abnormalities or weaknesses.


As you age the risk of getting diabetes also increases. If you are 40 plus, it is important that you get yourself screened once every 3 years for diabetes. The risk factors for getting diabetes are high if you have a family history, are obese, or are in the pre-diabetes phase.

Prostate cancer

Men above the age of 65 years are more prone to getting prostate cancer. One of the reasons why every middle-aged man in India should get screened for this type of cancer after he reaches 50 is because it is one of the top 10 cancers in the country. Since it grows slowly, doing regular check-ups can help you stop it in time thereby increasing your chances of survival.

Disclaimer: This piece of article is for basic information purposes only. It's always advisable to consult a doctor for any type of health issue.

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