Sangati Jogwar

News Highlights

  • All the generations want to have a strong and secure friendship.
  • A study shows that millennials value non-judgmental and open-mindedness.

With every generation, relationships undergo a massive change. The newer generation always has an entirely new perspective on the way they should maintain relationships and treat people close to them.

While earlier it was expected that parents must be stern and strict and feared out of respect, now parents believe in being friends with their grown-up children so that they can understand them better and be their strong support system.

The essence and expectations from a particular relationship have evolved over the changing times. But the basic requirement of trust, care, and emotional support continues to be the same. And ditto with friendship.

Generation Z certainly pursues the bond of friendship with great faith as much as the millennial. While there are a few similarities between different generations there are differences as well.

All generations want to create a strong and secure friendship

All the generations want to have a strong and secure friendship. They want to create good memories together with friends and develop a bond that allows playfulness and fun, loyalty, open-mindedness, and support. But the most valued quality that all generations are looking for in any friendship is trustworthiness.

So, when it comes to the bottom line, all the generations share the same outlook.

A study shows that millennials value non-judgmental and open-mindedness because they are more into exploring views, gender, religious beliefs, and identity and understanding how they can utilise their freedom to do things independently.

They want friends who are open to all such discussions and are flexible enough to accept what they really find worth accepting and implementing in their lives.

Earlier generations relied more on their friends for support and to get things done when there was no plausible option available. On the other hand, Generation Z expects friends to be with them more for fun, entertainment, playing, and enjoying parties and vacations.

However, when it comes to getting help, they will always make a call to a professional as they will seek expert advice or solution.
