Odishatv Bureau

Bhubaneswar: A day after the Special Investigation Team (SIT) of Odisha Crime Branch submitted an affidavit to the Orissa High Court mentioning that Pari was raped before being killed, serious allegations have been levelled against senior IPS officer and SIT chief Arun Bothra investigating the abduction and murder of the 5-year-old girl.

Sources quoting the preliminary probe report had said that the prime culprit has been identified and is a resident of the same village. As shocking as it may sound, one Saroj Sethi of Jadupur village in Nayagarh district accused Bothra of offering him Rs 5 lakh to admit to the crime and take the blame on himself. Sethi said he is not guilty and is being falsely implicated in the case.

"The reason why they are doubting me is the fact that Pari had come to our house a day before she was abducted. They (probe team) collected my blood and saliva samples and clothes from our house. As I am 18 years old, Arun Bothra offered me Rs 5 lakh to take the blame citing that they would reduce my age and make it 17 to prove that I am a juvenile which will limit the charges against me and also the jail term."

"I am not guilty. I am in no way involved in this, I do not know anything," reiterated Saroj.

If anything happens to me or my family, Arun Bothra will be held responsible, the youth said.

The SIT chief Arun Bothra is yet to respond to the allegations.

The SIT in its preliminary inquiry report submitted before the Orissa High Court on Wednesday reportedly stated that five-year-old girl Pari was sexually assaulted before being murdered. It further said the prime motive of the murder was rape and that it was confirmed from the semen stains found on the clothes of the deceased girl.

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