Soumya Prakash Pradhan

In today's digital era, cyber scams are on the rise, with scammers employing increasingly clever tactics to modify their scamming techniques.

One prevalent scam is OTP (one-time password) theft where scammers manipulate individuals into sharing their OTPs, leading to financial loss. 

OTP theft occurs when someone illicitly obtains the code sent to your phone for secure logins or transactions and uses it without your consent.

Scammers utilise various methods such as phishing, sim swapping, malware, and social engineering to perpetrate OTP fraud.

Phishing involves sending fake messages, sim swapping targets phone numbers, malware infects devices, and social engineering manipulates individuals into divulging OTPs.

To safeguard against OTP fraud, follow these steps:

1. Never share your OTP with anyone, even if they claim to be from a bank or government official.

2. Exercise caution with unsolicited phone calls or text messages.

3. Strengthen your passwords and ensure they are unique across all accounts.

4. Enable two-factor authentication for enhanced security on your devices.

5. If you suspect OTP theft, promptly report it by contacting the national cybercrime helpline at 1930 or filing a complaint on
