Mrunal Manmay Dash

Odisha-based IT Solutions Company, CSM Tech has joined hands with the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IIT-M) to back Raftar, a motorsports team run by its students.

An MoU was signed between the two to build the world’s fastest autonomously-driven electric racing car by 2025.

Rafter started in 2012 as a student’s club. Now, it is a team of about 40 students from different disciplines in IIT Madras with a shared passion for automotive engineering and motorsports. The team takes up the challenge of building a swift Formula Student race car every year.

Raftar platform provides excellent real-life testbeds for mobility technologies, under extreme automotive environments. Their prototype testbeds incorporate technology that is backed by multiple championships in both National and international automotive challenges.

The team has won the Formula Bharat thrice, the topmost motorsports event in the country for educational institutions, more than any other peer. It has also shone brightly abroad at events like Formula Germany and established itself as a formidable force in the university-level combustion and EV categories.

Based in Odisha, CSM Tech has an active business in Africa, Dubai, the US and Canada too.
