Sangati Jogwar

News Highlights

  • Two studies have shown that gastric surgeries can help in weight loss and reversing diabetes.
  • The studies revealed that such surgeries can also help to delay diabetes in pre-diabetic patients.

Pre-diabetes and Type 2 diabetes can be put into remission with dietary changes and following a regular exercise routine. For the last few years, health experts have constantly advocated that if diabetes patients manage to exercise regularly and eat a balanced diet they have a good chance of reversing their diabetes. Now the latest studies have shown that a few surgeries if performed at the right time can keep diabetes away for at least 15 years.

Since diabetes is a chronic condition that attacks both the heart and nervous system, keeping it under control is very important but is a very tough task. It usually occurs when your body stops responding to insulin or is unable to produce insulin in adequate amounts.

Gastric surgeries can halt the progression of diabetes

Two studies that were conducted on the impact of gastric surgeries on diabetes have shown that patients with pre-diabetes showed less chance of getting diabetes in the next 15 years. The studies were presented at the 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery.

One study showed that people fighting severe obesity and pre-diabetes who underwent gastric surgery showed less chance of developing Type 2 diabetes as compared to those who did not have the surgery. Another study stated that it is possible to keep diabetes in remission for 15 years minimum after surgery and that most people who underwent this surgery had drastic and permanent weight loss.

Follow-up studies showed positive results

The follow-up studies showed that around 2% of participants became diabetic 5 years after the surgery whereas 3% of participants became diabetic 10 years after their surgery. Also, less than 7% of people who participated in the surgery became diabetic after 15 years. Comparatively 31% of pre-diabetics who did not opt for surgery became diabetic in 5 years and 51% pre-diabetics who did not undergo bariatric surgery developed type 2 diabetes in just 10 years.

Around 68% of pre-diabetics who opted out of surgery became diabetic in 15 years. The studies also showed that the patients undergoing surgeries showed drastic reduction in their weight which helped to keep their overall health in good condition.

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