Odishatv Bureau

Nuts are a nutrient-dense food containing the majority of vitamins and minerals, providing a broad range of health benefits. It prevents weight gain, regulates high cholesterol, controls diabetes, reduces heart diseases, and more. But you might be unaware of facts regarding the soaked consumption of nuts, and here is the answer:

According to a recent research study, where almonds and raisins were first soaked followed by the comparison of their nutritive value, the results were in favour of soaked dry fruits. The study proved that soaked nuts are surely a better source of nutrition.

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As per Ayurveda too, nuts are difficult to break down during the digestion process because they are potentially warm (ushna virya) and consist of loaded nutrition, including fat, proteins and fibre. Soaking the nuts causes them to absorb water, which reduces the heat in the nuts, softens them, and causes them to expand. 

Raw nuts contain enzyme blockers that seek to stop the nut from sprouting too early. Moreover, when we consume raw dry fruits such as almonds and walnuts, the coating of enzyme inhibitors and toxic substances prevents the beneficial nutrients from being absorbed and assimilated by our system, leading to indigestion. Therefore, soaking them in water results in better absorption of the essential elements they contain.  

These reasons necessitate that we soak the nuts for 10-12 hours or overnight before eating them. Above all, the almonds and walnuts definitely taste significantly better after being rinsed and soaked.

Dry fruits work best when consumed early in the morning, mid-afternoon, or as an evening snack because they suppress the appetite by keeping one full for a longer time.

But avoid eating nuts if you are a patient with poor gut health, indigestion, bloating, acidity, severe diarrhoea, ulcerative colitis, or have a nut allergy.

It is incredible how soaking nuts and seeds have such a significant positive impact on health. So next time, soak your nuts before consuming them to get maximum benefits.

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