Sangati Jogwar

News Highlights

  • A portion of each subject for the examination is divided based on marks.
  • Solving question papers of earlier years can give students a good idea about how the portions are covered.

This is exam time in India. Either the examinations have already started or are about to start. It is the time when every student is focused on doing his/her best and emerges a topper. Although hard work and perseverance help earn good scores, to become a topper you need to use certain techniques that ensure that you succeed with better marks.

Overview of the exam pattern

A portion of each subject for the examination is divided based on marks. Similarly, every examination paper and subject has its pattern. Depending upon which topics have more marks, and the type of questions that are frequently asked you can plan your studies. For that, you must overview the pattern of question papers of earlier examinations and get an idea.

Prepare short notes

Every student should prepare short notes regularly. These notes come in handy at the time when there are very few days or hours left for the exam paper and you just want to go through the summary and important points of a subject. Preparing separate notes for every topic or chapter helps you make a quick revision and remember all the important answers during the exam.

Use the technique of highlighting and underlining appropriately

Every student must know when to use a highlighter or underline a particular sentence or heading. Instead of highlighting or underlining mindlessly if you use this tool to emphasize salient features or keywords, it will be greatly helpful.

Study the textbook first

Students are advised to read from multiple books so that they get in-depth knowledge about a particular topic. However, before reading and studying reference books you need to first complete the study from the textbook because that covers your basic syllabus and most of the questions for the examination will be picked from the textbook.

Try to solve maximum questions papers of earlier years

Solving question papers from earlier years will give you an idea about the mark distribution, the most frequently asked questions as well as how much time you require to complete the paper. If it takes you more time than the allotted one then you need to come up with a strategy that will ensure that you complete the paper in time and also has a good amount of time in hand to recheck it.
