Tag: Bollywood

Ranveer singh
Aditya Chopra scolds me: Ranveer Singh

Actor Ranveer Singh, who got his break in the Bollywood from Aditya Chopra, says the shy producer has never praised his work and rather scolded him

  • Monday, 21 June 2021
Kunal kapoor
Actor Kunal Kapoor raises Rs 45 lakh through crowd-sourcing

Bollywood actor Kunal Kapoor has supported a crowd-funding portal Ketto and helped them to raise more than Rs 45 lakh in the last one year

  • Monday, 21 June 2021
Madhuri praises Shah Rukh, Salman for their devotion to work

Actress Madhuri Dixit, who has shared the screen space with both superstars Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan, says she admires the passion both the actors have for their work

  • Monday, 21 June 2021
Bipasha basu
Bipasha mum on dating Harman

Bollywood actress Bipasha Basu on Tuesday evaded a query on her relationship with actor Harman Baweja

  • Monday, 21 June 2021
On-screen chemistry depends on your co-stars: Deepika

For actress Deepika Padukone, the on-screen chemistry between two actors cannot be cultivated but it rather stems from the "comfort level" they share

  • Monday, 21 June 2021
akshya kumar
Akshay Kumar to start self-defence classes for women

Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar is all set to launch a martial arts school to give self-defence training to women in suburban Mumbai by May this year

  • Monday, 21 June 2021
Hope fans never get bored of me onscreen: Parineeti

Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra, who will be next seen in 'Hasee Toh Phasee', says she fears losing appreciation of her fans and is constantly worried about audience getting bored of seeing her onscreen

  • Monday, 21 June 2021
sidhartha malhotra
'Will be interesting to impress Deepika; romance Kareena'

Bollywood newcomer Sidharth Malhotra finds Kareena Kapoor Khan entertaining and Deepika Padukone attractive and would like to impress both the actresses before romancing them onscreen

  • Monday, 21 June 2021
Hope to understand poetry through 'Tamasha': Ranbir

Bollywood's heartthrob Ranbir Kapoor hopes that being in the company of poetry lovers Irshad Kamil and Imtiaz Ali, with whom he is working on in new movie "Tamasha", teaches him a thing or two about the art form

  • Monday, 21 June 2021
sonam kapoor
Sonam to style up for 'Prem Ratan Dhan Payo'

Bollywood's fashionista Sonam Kapoor will deck up in Anamika Khanna's designs and her mother Sunita Kapoor's jewellery in her movie "Prem Ratan Dhan Payo"

  • Monday, 21 June 2021
Nothing special about stardom: Dhanush

New Delhi:He’s that rare humble, grounded and modest talented actor who considers stardom “nothing more than a little extra attention than the normal crowd”. That’s Dhanush for you. “I think stardom is all about little extra attention than normal people. Among all the normal people, a few get some extra attention, and so, there is […]

  • Monday, 21 June 2021
National award is only non-commercial event: Arjun Rampal

With the season of award shows on, actor Arjun Rampal says such functions are money making businesses except the National Award

  • Monday, 21 June 2021
arjun kapoor
Arjun to adopt 'one-film-at-a-time' policy

Actor Arjun Kapoor, who's film "Tevar" released on Friday, says that now he wants to do only one film at a time, to put all his efforts into that project

  • Monday, 21 June 2021
Bipasha basu
At 35, Bipasha says no to college girl roles

Actress Bipasha Basu, who has turned 35, says she's only keen to do roles that suit her and that she's not game to essaying a college girl on the big screen

  • Monday, 21 June 2021
salman black buck cae
Tamils protest against Salman in Mumbai

Mumbai: Waving posters of late LTTE chief V. Prabhakaran, some Tamils Sunday protested outside Bollywood star Salman Khan's house here for visiting Sri Lanka in support of President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

  • Monday, 21 June 2021