Nitesh Kumar Sahoo

It is quite common to see boys trying to hit on attractive girls and flirt with them. While flirting can be considered as a way to test mutual interest and build rapport, it can also backfire in some cases. In some cases, such behaviour can help an individual to meet a like-minded partner. But, such behaviour may not go down well with all. There are instances when girls get annoyed and attack the boys ogling at them. There are several such videos available on social media.

However, here we bring a video that shows an unexpected response of a girl to a boy who was trying to flirt with her. Her response might leave you rolling on the floor, laughing. But, for the boy, it might have been a nightmare. Recently, the video surfaced on the internet that has gone viral on social media. 

In the video, the hot girl can be seen walking towards the road while the boy is seen standing under a lamppost. At first sight, the boy is impressed and starts ogling the girl. From his reaction, it seems, he just wanted to start interacting with the girl immediately. A few moments later, the girl looks behind at the boy. The boy seems to be confused and waves at her with a bright smile on his face.

Suddenly, the girl turns and pulls a pink cap on her head. Meanwhile, the boy continues to stare at her without a blink and with a smile on his face.

While wearing the cap, the girl has a mischievous smile. Suddenly, she acts weirdly and turns to the boy. The girl twists her hands and legs weirdly.

Surprisingly, she starts chasing him. At first, the boy takes it as a joke, but, after seeing the girl following him, he runs away. After chasing for a while, the girl stops and pulls out her cap. 

While the authenticity and origin of the video couldn't be obtained, it is shared on X by CCTV Idiots. 

The video has garnered over 276K views and 1.8K likes. Even the comments section is flooded with hilarious comments by netizens.

One user wrote, "I think she is hotter when her true personality came out." (sic)

Another wrote, "Definitely wife material" (sic)

"That’s my type of lady! Got to keep everyone on their toes," wrote a third user. (sic)

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