Soumya Prakash Pradhan

Notifications are an essential part of our smartphone experience. They keep us updated with the latest happenings, alert us about important events, and help us stay connected with the world. 

However, if you're not receiving notifications on your Android smartphone, it can be frustrating.

Here are some common reasons why notifications might not be working on your Android device and what you can do to fix it.

Do not force close apps:

One of the most common mistakes people make is force-closing apps on their Android devices. While it may seem like a good idea to close all your apps to improve performance, it can also prevent you from receiving notifications.

When you force close an app, you are essentially shutting it down completely, including any background processes.
This means that the app will not be able to send you notifications until you open it again.

Turn off the adaptive battery:

Android's Adaptive Battery feature is designed to extend your battery life by restricting apps that you don't use often.

However, this can also lead to notifications not coming through as expected. Adaptive Battery can prevent notifications from being received if it has mistakenly categorized the app as one you don't use often.

To turn off Adaptive Battery, go to Settings > Battery > Adaptive Battery, and toggle the switch off.

Disable battery saver:

Battery Saver is another feature that is designed to improve battery life by limiting background activity.
However, it can also impact your ability to receive notifications. Battery Saver can prevent apps from running in the background, which means that notifications may not come through until you open the app.

To disable Battery Saver, go to Settings > Battery > Battery Saver, and toggle the switch off.

Turn off Adaptive notifications:

Adaptive Notification is a feature that shows or hides notifications based on your behavior. For example, if you never interact with notifications from a particular app, Android may stop showing them altogether.

While this can be useful for eliminating your notification shade, it can also lead to important notifications being missed.
To turn off Adaptive Notifications, go to Settings > Apps & notifications > Notifications > Advanced > Adaptive Notifications, and toggle the switch off.

Disable the do not disturb mode:

Do Not Disturb is a feature that silences all notifications on your Android device. If you've accidentally turned on Do Not Disturb, you might not receive any notifications until you turn it off. 

To disable Do Not Disturb, swipe down from the top of your screen to open the notification shade, and tap the Do Not Disturb icon.

Restart your Smartphone:

If none of the above methods work, a simple restart of your Android device may be all that's needed to fix the problem.

Restarting your phone clears the cache, stops any background processes and may help fix any software glitches that could be preventing notifications from coming through.

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