Soumya Prakash Pradhan

In the competitive realm of AI, major tech companies are actively engaged. Google recently announced a significant development in AI, unveiling an AI model reportedly capable of providing highly accurate river flooding forecasts up to seven days in advance.

This advanced model uses publicly accessible geophysical and meteorological data, including soil attributes and weather predictions.

Initially trialed in India, the forecasts now span over 80 countries. The Flood Hub initiative encompasses river basins in these countries, delivering vital flood forecasts for over 1,800 sites and serving a population of 460 million, according to Google's official report.

How does the user receive notifications seven days in advance from the AI tools?

Users receive early notifications through Google's platforms, including Search, Maps, and Android alerts, ensuring widespread access to critical flood information.

How do these AI tools work?

The AI forecast tools operate through two key models- the Hydrologic Model assesses river flood potential by analysing data like precipitation and the basin conditions, producing water level forecasts.

The Inundation Model then simulates water movement across floodplains based on hydrological predictions and satellite imagery.

This integrated approach provides insights into affected areas and anticipated water levels with unprecedented accuracy.

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Google's AI model stands out for its comprehensive training on diverse global weather datasets, river measurements, and satellite data, aligning with the state-of-the-art GloFAS model and enhancing global flood forecasting capabilities.
