Rajendra Prasad Mohapatra

Former Pakistan cricket team coach Mickey Arthur has termed the country to be a dangerous place to be in. He has also expressed his concern over the prevailing insecurity among players within the Pakistan team. 

As per Arthur, this insecurity has led to a shift in focus towards individual positions and contracts, rather than fostering a strong team structure. In a recent interview, Arthur revealed about his tenure with the Pakistan cricket team. He expressed his disappointment with the current state of affairs.

“When there is security within the environment, Pakistan is very good. When there is that insecurity, players start playing for themselves instead of the team because they are thinking of the next tour, and the next contract. That is a dangerous place to be in, and that is kind of where Pakistan cricket is now. And that is something very disappointing and sad for me,” said Arthur during the interview.

“There is a massive amount of talent there. There are some world-class players, not just talented players. However, they are not given the support structure that they need to flourish,” he added.

Notably, Pakistan’s performance in international cricket has been currently pretty dismal. Arthur has expressed his disappointment over the state of cricket affairs in the country.

“I still follow Pakistan cricket and I’ll always follow it. But the vigour and thirst and passion I have for Pakistan cricket waned a little bit after that. To be brutally honest, I think Pakistan cricket is in a very disappointing state,” said Arthur.
