Himansu Shekhar Rout

Just over a week is left in the month of May, but the results of the annual High School Certificate (matric) examination 2024 have not been published as yet. 

Thousands of students and their guardians are eagerly waiting for the results even though the authorities of the Board of Secondary Education (BSE), Odisha had earlier assured to publish the results on time despite the election schedule. 

The date for results publication has not been declared in advance while the results of CBSE and ICSE have already been published.
Delay in result publication has left the guardians and examinees worried.  

Pointing out the early publication of CBSE and ICSE exam results, Ramyaranjan Achari, an examinee from Malkangiri said, "CBSE and ICSE students have prepared themselves for admissions while we have lagged behind.”  

His father G Mohanrao Achari expressed his worries, saying, "The government had earlier declared to publish results in the first week of May. It is delayed. Had it been published on time, I would have prepared for my ward’s admission after assessing his marks.”   

Appeal for no further delay

Sai Subhashree Bauri, a student from Gunupur said, "I appeal to the government to publish the HSC exam results as soon as possible. That will be better for us.” 

Basant Kumar Mishra, a guardian from Gunupur said, "The BSE should publish results as soon as possible to allow us to prepare for admissions.”

As per reports, the annual HSC examination was conducted from February 20 to March 4. Over 5 lakh students appeared for the examination. Exam papers were evaluated from March 14th to 28th. 

The BSE authorities had earlier asserted that the results would be out and digital certificates would be issued to students in time despite the election process. 

On March 16, Srikant Tarai, president of the BSE said, "We hope the results will be out in time, even though paper evaluation and result processing may be a little difficult.”  

However, educationist Satyakam Mishra pointed out, "Elections are being held everywhere. There might be some problems for the BSE authorities in processing the exam results. They may publish results after May 25.”

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