Cassian Baliarsingh

In a bone-chilling incident, a young lady professor at a private engineering college in Bhubaneswar died after allegedly falling from the building of the prominent educational institution. While mystery shrouded the death of the lady teacher, family members have brought serious allegations of murder.

Family members of the deceased, Barsha Mishra- a technical assistant at the computer science department of the engineering college based in Tomando, Bhubaneswar, accused the college authority of being complicit in her suspicious death.

According to sources, Barsha mysteriously fell from the roof of the institution on June 11. She was under treatment but succumbed to her injuries today.

“Why would she go to the college roof during working hours? It is a pre-planned murder. She was killed in a pre-planned manner,” alleged her brother.

Speaking to OTV, Barsha’s brother said, “On June 11, she called our mother and informed that her HOD was angry with her. She asked our mother to speak to her HOD and pacify her. However, the HOD refused to talk to my mother and instead threw away Barsha’s phone. Just half an hour later, we received a call that Barsha had fallen from the roof.”

“However, we suspect my sister was pushed from the roof. Even as she was admitted to the hospital and died, the college authorities didn't even come to see her,” he added.

“Shockingly, they have not even lodged an FIR or met our parents to inform how she fell, or what actually had happened. Barsha was on duty when this happened, so, it is the moral responsibility of the college authority to at least inform her family members. But, they are least bothered even after she died,” alleged Barsha’s sister.

“We are trying to reach out to the college authorities, but no one is ready to listen to us. Finally, we lodged an FIR with the Tomando police. We hold the college authorities and HOD madam accountable for our sister’s death,” she added.

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No comment could be obtained from the college authority on the allegations.

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