Mrunal Manmay Dash

The festival of Dhanteras is considered an auspicious time as far as wealth fortunes are concerned. Purchasing items like gold and silver are considered to be symbols of wealth and prosperity and are believed to attract good luck and fortune.

This day is also celebrated as the birth anniversary of the father of Ayurveda – Dhanwantari. It is believed that bringing some new things to the house within a selected good time on this day will increase wealth. Moreover, the financial condition will remain good throughout the year.

What & When to Buy?

Along with worshipping Dhanwantari, Lord Ganesha and Goddess Laxmi are also worshipped this evening.

As per the astrologers, people can perform this puja after 12:36 pm on Friday till 1:35 pm on Saturday.

As the auspicious time begins after 12:35pm, people can buy new items including jewellery, metals, sweets, clothes before sunset today for good fortune.

Those who cannot purchase jewellery, can buy broom for their homes for Vastu problems to go away.

What Zodiac signs need to buy?

From the prism of astrology, each zodiac sign can benefit financially if they indulge in activities considered beneficial as per their birth chart.

Let us look at how the festival of Dhanteras can influence the flow of money for each zodiac sign:

Aries: They can buy silver elephant, earthen or stone utensils after 12:35 and before sunset today.

Taurus: Taureans can purchase golden elephant or gold chita and Chandra (Moon) for good fortune.

Gemini: Geminians can buy silver Ganesha and worship him today. They can keep the idol in their locker in order to keep their debts in check. If they cannot buy gold, they can purchase some green vegetable for good luck.

Cancer: People from Cancer zodiac can buy gold jewellery, silver coins and new clothes on Dhanteras for year-long good fortune. Those who cannot buy jewellery can buy some seashells or salt and bring them home for good luck.

Leo: Leo zodiacs can buy copper utensils, copper ring or other materials for good luck.

Virgo: They can buy Silver or gold idol of Lord Ganesha for good luck.

Libra: They can buy any silver or gold jewellery today. Apart from that buying sandalwood perfume can also bring them good luck.

Scorpio: They can buy gold elephant for their home or any gold jewellery for their daughter, mother or wives then it can be very beneficial for their fortune

Sagittarius: They can buy gold chains or necklaces for your daughter or mother. For extremely good fortune, they can purchase golden ‘chita’ and bring it home.

Capricorn: They can buy silver utensils or silver coin. They can also buy black sesame seeds and white gram for good luck round the year.

Aquarius: Aquarians can bring home sesame seeds, white gram, silver ‘chita’ today. They can light diya with castor oil in their home for good luck.

Pisces: These zodiacs can bring gold ornament, wheat, arua rice, ghee, honey and jaggery home. They should wear keshar on forehead for good health.

People should remember that all the new purchases on Dhanteras should be done before sun set for good fortune.

What businessmen should do?Businessmen and shopkeepers, particularly medicine store owners should buy keshar (saffron), sindur (vermillion) and kunkuma after 12:35 pm today and mark two Swastika symbols on two sides of their doors and an Om on the top of the door before performing Dhanwantari puja for good fortune all this year.

During the puja, businessmen should light three diyas with ghee. They should put turmeric in one diya, keshar in the second diya and the third diya should be lighted with only ghee and nothing else.

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