Sangati Jogwar

News Highlights

  • Adding more protein to your diet reduces cravings for unhealthy food items.
  • A diet high in protein keeps you satiated for a long time.

Unhealthy foods cause damage to overall health in the long run. But most of such unhealthy foods be it sweets, fried foods, or processed items are loved by almost everyone as they pamper the taste buds. That is why many times you give in to the temptations and cravings for unhealthy foods even though you are aware that they are not good for your health.

Are you thirsty?

More often thirst is taken as a craving for food. But there is always a possibility that your body must be asking for water. So whenever you get that craving, drink a glass of water. Many times after drinking water the craving subsides.

Protein reduces cravings

Adding more protein to your diet reduces cravings for unhealthy food items. Since a diet high in protein keeps you satiated for a long time. Including lentils, eggs, and fish regularly in your daily diet can help to keep you away from unhealthy food.

Learn to manage cravings

Cravings usually can go away if managed well. Whenever you feel like eating anything unhealthy , go for a short walk, take a shower, or start listening to music or podcasts. Just try to divert your mind for a few minutes and automatically the cravings will go away.

Plan meals properly

If there is a huge gap between meals you are bound to feel extremely hungry and end up eating something unhealthy. Make sure you have planned the meals properly throughout the day so you have food ready for breakfast, lunch, mid-day snacking, and dinner.

Is stress causing you to overeat?

Many people have a tendency to find comfort in food when they are stressed. But that is not an option to handle the situation. The best way is to find out the cause behind stress, take the help of a therapist if needed, and come out of it. Once you are less stressed and anxious, automatically your unmindful eating will also decrease.
