Sangati Jogwar

News Highlights

  • Obesity and extra weight can make life difficult for arthritis patients.
  • Excess weight puts more pressure on the joints making them more painful.

Monsoon is the time when the symptoms of arthritis exacerbate. High humidity levels and rains can worsen the stiffness and joint pain in patients with arthritis during monsoon. Swelling, intense pain, and inflammation can further make life difficult. But if you are prepared for it beforehand then you can always cut down the inflammation and pain issues related to arthritis and still enjoy the happiness that monsoon brings.

Staying active

Although the joint pain and stiffness may make you feel like lying down it is important to stay active during monsoon. Doing counter-exercises as well as walking can give a lot of relief to stiff joints and help in managing arthritis . Walking indoors and even swimming are some of the low-impact exercises that keep your joints flexible and in good condition during monsoon.

Healthy weight

Obesity and extra weight can make life difficult for arthritis patients. Excess weight puts more pressure on the joints making them more painful. Along with low-impact exercises try following a healthy, low-calorie diet to lose weight.

Staying hydrated is the key

During monsoon, you do not feel thirsty as in summer. But that does not mean you should avoid drinking water. Make sure that you drink 7 to 8 glasses of water every day and stay hydrated. Drinking an adequate amount of water keeps the joints lubricated.

Use warm compresses

Use warm compresses or give a warm water bath to your joints to alleviate pain and swelling . It will keep the impact of cold winds during the monsoon to a minimum. You can use these compresses at least twice a day.

Appropriate dressing

Wearing comfortable and loose clothes to protect your joints from dampness is highly recommended. Along with all these measures you should regularly take all your medications and if recommended the advised physical therapy.

(Disclaimer: This piece of article is for basic information purposes only. It's always advisable to consult a doctor for any type of health issue.)

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