Sangati Jogwar

News Highlights

  • Unexplained weight loss is one of the most obvious and common signals of cancer.
  • Consistent pain in any part of the body can be an indication that something is wrong with its working.

The word cancer raises alarm in everyone’s mind. Although many types of cancer are now curable and the survival rate is also high, even then it is still considered a life-taking disease. Moreover, in most cases, cancer is detected at a very late stage which makes saving the patient difficult. Timely intervention is the key if you want to survive cancer.

Know about the 10 sneaky signals of cancer that usually are overlooked as symptoms of some common not-so-serious diseases.

Weight loss without any reason

Unexplained weight loss is one of the most obvious and common signals of cancer. If you are not trying any diet trends or methods and are losing weight without any reason, then you must get yourself checked in case of sudden weight loss.

Are you tired all the time?

If you are feeling tired all the time without any hard work or disease then it can be the signal of the onset of cancer.

Changes in skin

If you have suddenly started developing new moles or the shape and size of the existing ones have changed a lot then it is time you consult your healthcare expert.

Pain in the body

Consistent pain in any part of the body can be an indication that something is wrong with its working. Cancer can be one of the reasons why you are suffering from pain and hence you must seek immediate medical help.

Digestion/metabolism issues

If you are regularly suffering from bowel changes and symptoms like constipation, indigestion, and diarrhoea then it can be because there is something wrong with your internal organs. Meeting a health specialist in such a case is recommended.

A sore throat or cough that is not getting cured

Seasonal symptoms of cough and cold or sore throat usually go away after a few days. However, if these symptoms continue for more than a fortnight even after medication then it may indicate some serious issues like cancer.

Difficulty in swallowing and gulping

It is so easy to swallow or gulp a drink or food item. But when even drinking a juice or soup becomes difficult then it can be a serious problem.

Breast changes

Changes in the size and shape of the breast, pain, or lumps in the breast or surrounding areas can be a very serious thing and an indication of breast cancer.

Changes in the menstruation cycle

Normally, a woman’s menstruation cycle changes during peri-menopause/menopause or when she has conceived a child. But if the pattern of menstruation has changed without any reason then you must contact your gynaecologist immediately.


Heartburn or indigestion is usually a very common symptom that goes away with proper lifestyle management and medication. But if it persists despite all the care then it can be something related to oesophageal or stomach cancer.
