Sangati Jogwar

News Highlights

  • The practice of celebrating Dhanteras can be traced back to the Samudramanthan.
  • The day is celebrated by worshipping the goddess Lakshmi, Lord Kuber, and Lord Dhanavantari.

Dhanteras starts the 5-day Diwali festival that ends with Bhai-Dooj. This year Dhanteras is being celebrated on November 10. Since it falls on the trayodashi tithi of Krishna Paksha in the month of Kartik, it is also called Dhanatrayodashi.

The day is celebrated with great enthusiasm and fervour by Hindus across India and the globe. Dhanteras has immense cultural and religious importance for Hindus as it denotes a celebration of spiritual win.

How is Dhanteras Celebrated and Why?

The day is celebrated by worshipping the goddess of wealth Lakshmi, Lord Kuber, and Lord Dhanvantari. Lord Kuber is the god-king of wealth and a Yaksha which belongs to a semi-divine group. Lord Dhanvantari is considered the God of Ayurveda and health. On Dhanteras these three deities are worshipped for blessings, wealth, prosperity, and good health.

The practice of celebrating Dhanteras can be traced back to the Samudramanthan that happened between the Gods and the Demons during which Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Dhanvantari emerged. Purchasing new items, especially metals of high value like gold and silver on this day is considered highly auspicious.

In many households, copper items, brass elephants, Kuber yantra are also purchased as symbols of wealth and prosperity. In many states worshipping the broom is also a regular practice on Dhanteras because Goddess Lakshmi only comes and stays at a place that is clean.

How are Things Purchased?

These purchases are made during a muhurat so that the prosperity and well-being that comes with it stays with the family all year round. The celebration of Dhanteras is usually carried out during the evening.

In the proper timing, Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Kuber are worshipped along with gold and silver.

In many houses, mantras are chanted and Dhanteras Katha is also recited. Diyas and lamps are used for decorating the house and the surrounding premises. The intention is to welcome the Goddess warmly so that she feels like coming inside the house and staying forever.

The puja muhurat for Dhanteras 2023 is between 5.47 pm and 7.43 pm today.
