Ramakanta Biswas

The online application process for filling up of forms for the Class-X and summative assessment-I for 2021-22 session has commenced today. 

Students of all recognised secondary schools can fill up their application forms for appearing in the Class-X and summative assessment-I by visiting the official website of the Board of Secondary Education (BSE), Odisha-www.bseodisha.ac.in.

As per a notice issued by the BSE, students have to fill up the forms through the head of their institutions, who have enrolled those students during 2020. Those who have not been enrolled during 2020 cannot fill up their forms under School Regular category. However, they can appear in the examination under correspondence course category.

Here are steps to fill up application forms for Class-X, Summative Assessment-I for 2021-22 session

Log in to the official website of BSE Odisha i.e. www.bseodisha.ac.in.

Click on the link- Filling up of forms for Class-x, summative assessment-I, 2021-22 in the latest updates section on the home page.

Log in page shall be displayed on the screen. Enter User ID and Password.

The User ID will be the school code & password is the same that has been used for filling up of forms for Class-X, Summative Assessment-I for the session 2021-22.

The filling up of application forms can be done more than once. However, if the head of the institution is filling up the forms for suppose, 20 candidates, he/ she has to complete the process and log in again to do the filling up of application forms for more candidates.

For more details click here: 
