Odishatv Bureau

The National Entrance cum Eligibility Test (NEET) for under graduate admissions was reconducted for 1563 students on June 23, 2024. The results of the re-examination are expected to be released on June 30, 2024.

The re-examination was a result of discrepancies in the initial conduction of the exam. 

As many as 1563 students were awarded with up to 70-80 grace marks for losing time. 
However, out of 1563 students, only 813 students turned up to appear in the re-examination. 

The number of appearance of medical aspirants in the re-examination is quite shocking. 

In Chandigarh, out of the two eligible candidates, neither attended the test. In Chhattisgarh, only 291 of the 602 eligible aspirants appeared for the exam. Only one student appeared the re-exam in Gujurat.

Candidates from Haryana and Meghalaya showed better attendance strength. 287 of 494 candidates attended the test in Haryana and 234 out of 446 students appeared the exam in Mehalaya representing 58% and 50.43% of aspirant attendance, respectively.

Steps to check your NEET UG re-exam result scorecard once released:

•    Visit the official website, link - nta.ac.in
•    Click on the NEET UG results link provided on the homepage.
•    You will be redirected to the results page.
•    Enter your login credentials and submit (application number and date of birth).
•    Download and save your results for future reference.

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