Tag: Anxiety

Anxiety could be an early indicator of Alzheimer

New York: Is your elderly grandfather showing higher levels of anxiety? Beware, it may signal the early manifestation of Alzheimer’s disease, researchers warned. Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative condition that causes the decline of cognitive function and the inability to carry out daily life activities. The findings showed that worsening anxiety symptoms in older adults […]

  • Wednesday, 07 July 2021
Reduce stress, anxiety by cycling regularly

New Delhi: Cycling can be one of the easiest ways to stay fit. Besides controlling your weight, it can reduce depression, stress and anxiety, say experts. R.M. Anjana, Managing Director at Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre and Deepali Badoni, Physiotherapist at AktivHealth Clinic, talk about the benefits of cycling: * Cycling is an aerobic exercise […]

  • Tuesday, 06 July 2021
Brain activity buffers against worsening anxiety: Research

New York: Researchers have found that boosting activity in the brain’s areas related to thinking and problem-solving may also buffer against worsening anxiety. Using non-invasive brain imaging, the researchers found that people at risk of anxiety were less likely to develop the disorder if they had higher activity in a brain region responsible for complex […]

  • Tuesday, 06 July 2021
VR game may reduce pain while drawing blood: Study

New York: If children are offered to play a Virtual Reality (VR) game while drawing blood from them, it can significantly reduce their perception of acute pain, anxiety and general distress, says a new study. “Given the immersive and engaging nature of the VR experience, this technology has the capacity to act as a preventative […]

  • Tuesday, 06 July 2021
Anxiety caused by childhood bullying declines over time

London: Do you suffer from anxiety and depression as a result of being bullied as a child? Take heart, these mental health disorders may not continue but decrease over time, suggests a study. The study found that the detrimental effects of bullying decreased over time, which shows the potential for resilience in children exposed to […]

  • Tuesday, 06 July 2021
Kim Kardashian now more anxious since Paris robbery

Los Angeles: Reality TV star Kim Kardashian feels more “anxiety” since being robbed at gunpoint in Paris last year. The 36-year-old was a victim of an armed robbery in the French capital in October last year, and she says the incident has changed her outlook towards life, reports usmagazine.com. “I definitely get a lot more […]

  • Tuesday, 06 July 2021
'I had suicidal thoughts', says Zaira Wasim

  Srinagar: “Dangal” star and national award-winning actor Zaira Wasim has opened up about her battle with depression, saying she needs a “complete break” from work and school to figure things out. In a lengthy post on Instagram, the 17-year-old actor said she has been suffering from the illness for the past four years, during […]

  • Tuesday, 29 June 2021
parent and child relationship
Strong family ties can cut anxiety in kids

London: Strong relationships with other family members can help raise self-esteem and reduce anxiety in young children at homes where parental domestic violence exists, says a study. “Given the secrecy that surrounds domestic violence, it is important that parents, the extended family and service providers understand the protective effects that strong family bonds can have,” […]

  • Tuesday, 22 June 2021
anxiety in kids
Children inherit parents' anxiety too

New York: Anxious parents are more likely to have anxious children, a study on rhesus monkeys has revealed. It added that the risk of developing anxiety and depression is passed from parents to children. An over-active brain circuit involving three brain areas inherited from generation to generation may set the stage for developing anxiety and […]

  • Tuesday, 22 June 2021
Stress ups risk of death from liver disease

London: In a first, researchers have linked high levels of anxiety or depression with an increased risk of death from liver disease. The study from University of Edinburgh’s Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences provides further evidence for the important links between mind and body. “Psychological stress can have a damaging effect on physical wellbeing. While […]

  • Tuesday, 22 June 2021
Elevating psychology as viable career option imperative in post Covid India
Psychology To Become More Viable Career Option Imperative In Post Covid India

In the post-Covid India, Psychology graduates will be ideally positioned to extend our understanding of the human mind and move the field forward in the development of new treatment options for mental anguish and illness.

  • Tuesday, 25 May 2021
Common drug form helps treat child anxiety, says study

New York: Researchers have found that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are very effective in treating children and adolescents with paediatric anxiety disorder. They reached the conclusion after examining common medications prescribed for children and adolescents with anxiety disorders. SSRIs are the most commonly prescribed anti-depressants, which can ease symptoms of moderate to severe depression […]

  • Tuesday, 04 May 2021
Women experiencing miscarriage should be offered treatment options: Study

London: Though miscarriage is a traumatic experience for both parents, resulting in feelings of loss and grief that in some cases can lead to anxiety and depression, women experiencing miscarriage should be offered a choice in the treatment they receive, suggests a study. Miscarriage is the most common complication of pregnancy and affects an estimated […]

  • Tuesday, 04 May 2021
Childhood adversity ups risk of mental health disorder

New York: Kids who grow up in poverty and face adverse experiences are at a greater risk of suffering from mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety, warn researchers. Low socioeconomic status and the experience of traumatic stressful events are also linked to accelerated puberty and brain maturation, abnormal brain development, and greater mental […]

  • Friday, 30 April 2021
Anxiety, OCD in kids may lead to suicidal thoughts

Madrid: Parents, take note. Depression, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) are the main reasons why children think about suicide, warn researchers. The study, published in the journal Archives of Suicide Research, reveals the factors that can trigger ideas of suicide in pre-adolescent age group. “In boys it is previous depressive symptoms which determine subsequent […]

  • Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Odisha Assembly Election Results

BJD 40
BJP 72
INC 13

Total Seats 147