Opinion News Updates

Why Forex Reserves are Crucial for India’s Economic Stability

Another reason why Forex reserves are crucial for India is to service external debt. India has a significant amount of external debt, which needs to be serviced regularly. The country needs Forex reserves to pay off this debt and avoid defaulting on its obligations.

  • Saturday, 29 April 2023
Killing in police custody
Killing in police custody & deficiencies in criminal justice administration

The gruesome killing of Atiq and his brother only proved that the apprehension of Atiq expressed in his prayer to the Apex Court that his life was in danger was true. It also highlighted that the state government did not protect him even when Atiq was in police custody -- under Sovereign protection.

  • Friday, 28 April 2023
How can artificial intelligence feed human intelligence?
How can artificial intelligence feed human intelligence?

One way in which AI can feed human intelligence is through personalized learning. AI can analyze large amounts of data and create personalized learning paths for individuals.

Supreme Court
SC must ensure state laws don't negate universal right to marry

This includes a vast range of identified permutations and combinations amongst the sexual minorities and not just a union of individuals willing to get married while having same sex.

Credit Suisse Bank
Will India also bear the brunt of global banking crisis

Many startups are heavily reliant on venture capital funding, and if one of the key players in that space were to falter, it could have ripple effects throughout the ecosystem.

  • Friday, 21 April 2023
  • India
Odia National Character -Notional Characterization Or More?
Odia National Character -Notional Characterization Or More?

There is very little data available in the public domain as far as the topic of this piece is concerned.  That might be due to two reasons. The topic might not have attracted the attention of researchers because of its supposed ‘irrelevance' or the ‘sensitiveness’ of the subject or may be due to both.

  • Monday, 17 April 2023
George Soros, Hindenburg Research logo
Responding To Unsolicited Advice On How We Should Run Our Government

He also spoke about the demand for a JPC probe on the issue and felt this was not necessary if the Supreme Court were to conduct an inquiry as that course would provide a better chance of the truth coming out.

  • Saturday, 15 April 2023
Autism in India is complex and multifaceted

The situation regarding autism in India is complex and multifaceted, with a wide range of challenges and opportunities.

  • Sunday, 02 April 2023
Autism Is Treatable

ASD can best be treated at an early age of child which is called Early Intervention(EI) and is crucial as this is the time the brain is growing rapidly in children.

  • Sunday, 02 April 2023
Income of farmers and investment climate in Odisha
Income of farmers and investment climate in Odisha

It is however a fact that people of Odisha are temperamentally peaceful. We need, however to examine if the state has actually been attracting investment satisfactory enough to feel cheerful about. 

Furore over Rahul Gandhi’s remark
Furore over Rahul Gandhi’s remark

Why Rahul Gandhi, a senior leader of Indian National Congress Party and a Member of Indian Parliament should not have said what he did, has been indirectly explained by his cousin, Varun Gandhi, a leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party and a Member of Indian Parliament from Pilibhit.

Forest Fire
Odisha Forest Fires: The bad, the worse & the ugly

Many seeds and seedlings are burnt to ashes and never sprout or regenerate. The smoke clouds the sky and is a major climate-changing factor since it is carbon emission. Even the new plantations done by the department are engulfed.

Odisha Needs Public Policy Conducive To Wealth Creation

Foxconn plans an electronics manufacturing facility in Telangana that will employ one lakh people. Almost simultaneously media also reported that its proposed iPhone plant in Bangalore on a 300-acre property close to the Airport would, by 2027, engage up to a lakh people and its investment would get scaled up to $1 Billion.

  • Friday, 10 March 2023
BBC tax survey overview

The IT department was specifically looking into the “manipulation of prices for unauthorised benefits, including tax advantages”, it said.

  • Wednesday, 22 February 2023
A disruptive approach needed for Odisha’s backward districts
A disruptive approach needed for Odisha’s backward districts

This model of disruptive approach to development could be under the charge of the District Collector who in Backward Districts like Kandhamal, Deogarh, Boudh and all Districts in the KBK Region should have a long uninterrupted tenure of five years to ensure grounding of the various projects. 

  • Friday, 17 February 2023