Nitesh Kumar Sahoo

The first sight of a snake will bring fear to anyone. The first reaction after watching a snake crawling could be a loud scream. If the reptile is huge and venomous, anyone would freeze out of fear and look out for a way to escape.

How would you react if you come across a huge python? Though python attacking humans is quite rare, the threats can’t be avoided. Pythons can strangulate humans, break their bones into pieces and swallow them in a few minutes.

Here we bring a scary video that shows a python crawling from a rooftop to a nearby tree.

In the video, the huge black python can be seen crawling from the rooftop to a nearby tree. Towards the end of the video, the huge reptile can be seen swinging its head in the air while a large portion of its tail remains on the rooftop.

As it seems, the visual was captured by the residents of the house.

Though the source of the video couldn’t be verified, Indian Forest Services (IFS) official shared the video on Twitter with a caption reading: A huge huge python eking it’s space out in the top (sic)

Meanwhile, the views of the video are increasing with every passing minute and users are expressing their thoughts in the comments section.

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