Dr. Sharmila Subramanian

Remember the day, you got your placement? You were so excited to join your dream company. The idea of being where you belonged to filled you with joy. Your entry, your seat, your colleagues, your superior- everything and everyone gave you so much pleasure. You shared your enthralling experience with everyone on various platforms. But, why is the same workplace haunting you? Why isn’t the same job as exciting as it used to be? Where has the excitement gone? Why are you looking for happiness at the workplace? Let’s dig it inside out!

Happiness is defined as a positive and pleasant emotion that can be felt in contentment as can be viewed in elation or intense joy. It may be an outcome of a positive life experience or thought, or sometimes it may have no obvious cause. However, everyone is on the lookout for happiness in their workplace and lives. It is a pleasant condition of mind that everyone wants to capture and hold permanently. 

Researchers suggest, happiness as being hedonic that is marked by enjoyable feelings and desirable judgments, and happiness as being eudemonic, which involves doing virtuous, moral and meaningful things. Many scholars agree that the secret to happiness is more eudemonic that is emotions derived from being virtuous, moral, and useful to others. Our ancient wisdom draws characteristics of five types of persons, whose qualities can be imbibed in order to be happy at all times. This of course is applicable to all of us as an employee. These persons are Bhikshu, Shishu, Sadhu, Dharmatma and Punyatma.

Are you a Bhikshu? Bhikshu, as our ancient knowledge defines, was a wanderer who collected alms for living. The main work of these persons was to seek knowledge all the time. They begged only for a handful that would suffice them for a day. In doing so, they learned to be humble and unpretentious. They were led by need and not greed. They sought ultimate knowledge and were less concerned about worldly affairs. They showed humility and gratitude for one and all. Thus, they were always contented and happy.

If you own these characteristics that is humility, unpretentious demeanor and gratitude for all, you will be contented and happy!

Are you a Shishu? Shishu, the child, is always happy as she enjoys every moment of her life. Every aspect around the child is new for her and she explores it with loads of curiosity and excitement. She is pure, unclenched, and free to express her emotions. Self-exploration is like a major discovery for her whereas, small actions in her life are like milestones achieved.
If you are Shishu, marked by qualities like enjoying every moment of life, and celebrating every small achievement you make, then surely you can be free and happy!

Are you a Sadhu? There was always a learned one in our ancient scriptures- the Sadhu! The qualities of a Sadhu were what the whole humanity admired. A Sadhu was steadfast, knowledgeable, never touched by greed or malice, disseminated knowledge to all, and devotedly offered prayers to the Supreme Lord for the betterment of the world. The Sadhu was the epitome of knowledge and ultimate bliss and was treated with respect by one and all.
You are a Sadhu, if you are knowledgeable and educate others too. As a true preacher, you need to selflessly teach others to make them learn. This will give you satisfaction and happiness!

Are you a Dharmatma? Dharmatma was one who was seen as a “giver”. The giver would engage in philanthropy and acts that would benefit society. He would remain moral and committed to the well-being of people. By giving away a portion of his wealth, he would seek immense pleasure. He always believed in the uplift of the society and joy for all.
In case you involve yourself in the Joy of Giving and take immense pleasure in doing activities that benefit society, you are 

Dharmatma. You will derive happiness from making the society happy!

Are you a Punyatma? ‘O Noble Soul’ your purity and prayers make the whole universe blessed! A Punyatma was the noble one who was virtuous and pious. He who prayed for the well-being of all the beings in the universe and harmed none. Punyatma would create a virtuous spiral by spinning goodness around him. His goodness would be contagious and would make the whole world virtuous and happy.

Being a Punyatma will surely give you the ultimate happiness in life!

You can relate these qualities with your workplace happiness. When you need support, be humble and not demanding. For example, thanking your office assistant for getting you a cup of coffee. Humility will give you results and that will fetch happiness.
Feel free to explore and enjoy every moment of your work. Every new day has something to offer. Draw happiness from even the pettiest of achievements like getting others to smile back at you!

Make your team competent by sharing your knowledge. Remember! Even if you don’t teach them, they will still learn it from someone else. So, feel happy in sharing information and knowledge that is useful for others.
Involve yourself in philanthropic acts if you can. Helping someone in need can be highly satisfying. For instance, a small contribution for someone who is unwell in your organisation can make a huge difference. 

And finally, be virtuous. The first step towards this could be to keep away from workplace politics. It may sound difficult to stay away from greed, jealousy, malice, and intrigue, but you need to give it a try so that you remain Happy at your workplace!

(DISCLAIMER: This is an opinion piece. The views expressed are the author’s own and have nothing to do with OTV’s charter or views. OTV does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.)

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