Cassian Baliarsingh

The tall claims of the Odisha government to transform Cuttack's SCB Medical College and Hospital into a world-class facility have fallen flat again with a lack of basic amenities like water supply crippling the hospital on Monday.

A day after the entire hospital went without power supply for over 24 hours, the state’s premier health facility on Monday has been running out of water. Patients have been deprived of drinking water as there has been no water supply in several departments since last night. As if that was not enough, there is no water supply in the toilets of the hospital.

The incident has sparked outrage among the patients and their attendants who slammed the medical authorities for poor management and lackadaisical attitude.

“Water taps are so slow that filling one bottle of water is taking 20-25 minutes. There has been no water supply since last night. Forget about drinking water, there is no water supply in the ‘souchalaya’,” complained a patient’s attendant.

Another patient stated, “There is no water at all. It takes 2-3 hours to fill one bucket. I had to buy water bottles for both drinking and other purposes.”

Worth mentioning, the hospital was in the dark both on Saturday and Sunday severely affecting healthcare services. Important services like Blood Tests, CT Scans and X-rays were severely affected. Moreover, doctors were forced to treat patients using mobile lights.

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