Cassian Baliarsingh

A mysterious disease, suspected to be diphtheria, has spread tentacles in Rayagada’s Kashipur with at least 15 battling for their lives. The deadly disease has so far claimed the lives of five children while the condition of the 15 patients is stated to be critical.

The outbreak of the disease has started in Manuspadar village under Kashipur block since the last week. When contacted, Public Health Director Nilakantha Mishra said that a health team led by Kalahandi and Rayagada Chief District Medical Officers (CDMOs) were sent to the village for inspection.

“A mobile squad led by CDMOs of Rayagada and Kalahandi DHHs are going from house to house and conducting a survey to know the exact reason for the spread of the disease. A health team from the state had also visited the village. Samples have been collected and sent for laboratory examination,” Nilakantha said.

“The patients are also being given antibiotics and put under examination. Steps are also being taken to check people in nearby villages. If needed, we will give vaccination to all the people there. The death toll has reached 5, and has not risen since then,” he further added.

He further added that a new patient was detected yesterday and his condition is stable after being administered with antibiotics.

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